Rust Workshop 🦀

Part 2: Create Engineering

Gabriel Nützi,

February 16, 2025, Part 1


How to use these slides:

  • S: See the speaker notes.
  • Esc: See all slides and jump around.
  • Space: Go forward.
  • Shift + Space: Go backward.


Thanks to the following contributors who fixed typos and mistakes:

  • The ORDES Team at SDSC, who helped me fixing typos & bugs.

  • Gerry Bräunlich, Michael Kefeder & Stefan Tüx who allowed me to attend the Rust Fest and pointing me to interesting teaching material.


Why Rust

What the Heck is Rust 🦀

A Multi-Paradigm Language

  • procedural like Python, i.e. functions 󰊕, loops 󰑙, …
  • functional aspects, i.e. iterators 🏃, lambdas 󰡱 …
  • object-oriented aspects but unlike Python ( its better ❤️)

What the Heck is Rust 🦀

A Compiled Language Unlike Python

  • The Rust compiler rustc 🦀 will convert your code to machine-code ⚙️.
    Python is an interpreter.

  • It has a strong type system (algebraic types: sum types, product types).

  • It was invented in 2009 by Mozilla (Firefox) - Rust Foundation as the driver today.

Note: 10% of Firefox is in Rust for good reasons you will realize in the following.

Benefits You Get on the 🦀 Journey

A few selling points for python programmers.

Come on 🐨 show me syntax!

The syntax* is similar and as easy to read as in Python.

struct Apple {
  name: String

fn grow() -> Vec<Apple> {

  let apples = vec![Apple{name: "a".to_string()},
                    Apple{name: "b".to_string()}];

  for b in &apples {
    println!("Apple: {b:?}");

class Apple:
  name: str

def grow() -> List[Apple]:

  apples = [Apple("a"),

  for b in apples:
    print(f"Apple: {}")

  return apples

*: 80% you will encounter is very readable (except macros etc.).

But Why?

More reasons why you should learn a compiled, statically typed language…

What Rust Promises 🤚

  1. Pedal to the metal
  2. Comes with a warranty
  3. Beautiful code
  4. Rust is practical

Pedal to The Metal

  • Compiled language, not interpreted.

  • State-of-the-art machine-code generation using LLVM.

  • No garbage collector (GC) getting in the way of execution.

    def run():
      d = { "a":1, "b":2 } # Memory is allocated on the heap.

    Question: Does the memory of d still exist after run()?

     We don’t know 🤷

  • Usable in embedded devices, operating systems and demanding websites.

Rust Comes with a Warranty

  • Strong type system helps prevent silly bugs 🐞:

    def concat(numbers: List[str]) -> str:
      return "-".join(numbers)
    concat(["1", "2", "30", 4, "5", "7", "10"])
  • Explicit errors instead of exceptions ❗(later):

    def main():
      file_count = get_number_of_files()
      if file_count is None:
        print("Could not determine file count.")

    Question: Is this error handling correct if:
    get_number_of_files = lambda: int(sys.argv[0])

Rust Comes with a Warranty

  • Ownership Model: Type system tracks lifetime of objects.

    • No more exceptions about accessing None.
    • You know who owns an objects (variable/memory).
  • Programs don’t trash your system accidentally

    • Warranty can be voided (unsafe).

Rust Comes with a Warranty

Experience: “♥️ If it compiles, it is more often correct. ♥️”

  • Enables compiler driven development.

  • 100% code coverage:


    def get_float(num: str | float) -> float:
      match (num):
          case str(num):
              return float(num)

    You trust mypy which is not enforced at runtime.


    enum StrOrFloat {
    fn get_float(n: StrOrFloat) -> f64 {
        match n {
            StrOrFloat::MyFloat(x) => x,

Rust Comes with a Warranty

Experience: “♥️ If it compiles, it is more often correct. ♥️”

  • No invalid syntax.
  • Guaranteed thread safety.
  • Model your business logic with struct and enums.


  • Rust is fast 🚀. Comparable to C++/C, faster than go.

    • Python is slow, that’s why most libraries outsource to C or Rust.
  • Rust is concurrent ⇉ by design (safe-guarded by the ownership model).

Why Should 🫵 Learn Rust?

  • Learning a new language teaches you new tricks:

    • You will also write better code (also in Python)!
  • Rust is a young, but a quickly growing platform:

    • You can help shape its future.
    • Demand for Rust programmers will increase!

Creating a Nice API

Rust API Guidelines

Read the checklist, use it!

General Recommendations

Make your API

  • Unsurprising
  • Flexible
  • Obvious

Next up: Some low-hanging fruits

Make your API - Unsurprising

Naming your Methods

pub struct S {
  first: First,
  second: Second,

impl S {
  // Not get_first.
  pub fn first(&self) -> &First {

  // Not get_first_mut, get_mut_first, or mut_first.
  pub fn first_mut(&mut self) -> &mut First {
      &mut self.first

Other example: conversion methods as_, to_, into_, name depends on:

  • Runtime cost
  • Owned ⇔ Borrowed

Implement/Derive Common Traits

As long as it makes sense public types should implement:

  • Copy
  • Clone
  • Eq
  • PartialEq
  • Ord
  • PartialOrd
  • Hash
  • Debug
  • Display
  • Default
  • serde::Serialize
  • serde::Deserialize

Make your API - Flexible

Use Generics

pub fn add(x: u32, y: u32) -> u32 {
    x + y

/// Adds two values that implement the `Add` trait,
/// returning the specified output
pub fn add_generic<O, T: std::ops::Add<Output = O>>(x: T, y: T) -> O {
    x + y

Accept Borrowed Data (if possible)

  • User decides whether calling function should own the data.
  • Avoids unnecessary moves.
  • Exception: non-large array Copy types
/// Some very large struct
pub struct LargeStruct {
    data: [u8; 4096],

/// Takes owned [LargeStruct] and returns it when done. This is costly!
pub fn manipulate_large_struct(mut large: LargeStruct) -> LargeStruct {

/// Just borrows [LargeStruct]. This is cheap!
pub fn manipulate_large_struct_borrowed(large: &mut LargeStruct) {

Make your API - Obvious

Write Rustdoc

  • Use 3 forward-slashes to start a doc comment.
  • You can add code examples, too.
  • To open docs in your browser: cargo doc --open
/// A well-documented struct.
/// ```rust
/// # // lines starting with a `#` are hidden
/// # use ex_b::MyDocumentedStruct;
/// let my_struct = MyDocumentedStruct {
///     field: 1,
/// };
/// println!("{:?}", my_struct.field);
/// ```
pub struct MyDocumentedStruct {
    /// A field with data
    pub field: u32,

Include Examples

Create examples to show users how to use your library

├── Cargo.lock
├── Cargo.toml
├── examples
│   └──
└── src
cargo run --example say_hello
Hello, henkdieter!

Use Semantic Typing (1)

Make the type system work for you!

/// Fetch a page from passed URL
fn load_page(url: &str) -> String {

fn main() {
  let page = load_page("");
  let crab = load_page("🦀"); // Ouch!

&str is not restrictive enough: not all &str represent correct URLs

Use Semantic Typing (2)

struct Url<'u> {
  url: &'u str,

impl<'u> Url<'u> {
  fn new(url: &'u str) -> Self {
    if !valid(url) {
      panic!("URL invalid: {}", url);
    Self { url }
fn valid(url: &str) -> bool {
  url != "🦀"
fn load_page(remote: Url) -> String {
    todo!("load it");
fn main() {
    // Not good
    let c = load_page(Url::new("🦀"));
thread 'main' panicked at
'URL invalid: 🦀', src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` ...
  • Clear intent.
  • Validate inputs: security!
  • Use the url crate.

Use Clippy and Rustfmt - All Time!

cargo clippy
cargo fmt

Use the state-of-the-art repository-template rust.

Design Patterns in Rust

Why Design Patterns?

  • Common problems call for common, tried an tested solutions.
  • Make crate architecture more clear.
  • Speed up development.
  • Rust does some patterns ever-so-slightly differently.

Learning common Rust patterns makes understanding new code easier

What Do We Cover?

const PATTERNS: &[Pattern] = &[
    Pattern::new("RAII with guards"),
fn main() {
    for pattern in PATTERNS {

1. The Newtype Pattern

A small but useful pattern.

Newtype: Introduction

Wrap an external type in a new local type

pub struct Imei(String)

That’s it!

Newtype: Example

pub enum ValidateImeiError { /* - snip - */}
pub struct Imei(String);

impl Imei {
  fn validate(imei: &str) -> Result<(), ValidateImeiError> {

impl TryFrom<String> for Imei {
  type Error = ValidateImeiError;

  fn try_from(imei: String) -> Result<Self, Self::Error> {

fn register_phone(imei: Imei, label: String) {
  // We can certain `imei` is valid here

Newtype: When to Use?

New types solve some problems:

  • Orphan rule: no impls for external traits on external types.
  • Allow for semantic typing (url example from before)
  • Enforce input validation.

2. The RAII Guard Pattern

More robust resource handling.

RAII Guards: Introduction

  • RAII: Resource Acquisition Is Initialization.
  • Link acquiring/releasing a resource to the lifetime of a variable.
  • A constructor initializes the resource, the destructor frees it.
  • Access resource through the guard.

Do you know of an example?

RAII Guards: Example

pub struct Transaction<'c> {
  connection: &'c mut Connection,
  did_commit: bool,
  id: usize,

impl<'c> Transaction<'c> {
  pub fn begin(connection: &'c mut Connection)
    -> Self {
    let id = connection.start_transaction();
    Self { did_commit: false, id, connection }

  pub fn query(&self sql: &str) {
    /* - snip - */

  pub fn commit(self) {
      self.did_commit = true;
impl Drop for Transaction<'_> {
  fn drop(&mut self) {
    if self.did_commit {

    } else {

RAII Guards: When to Use?

  • Ensure a resource is freed at some point.
  • Ensure invariants hold while guard lives.

3. The Typestate Pattern

Encode state in the type.

Typestate: Introduction

  • Define uninitializable types for each state of your object O.
pub enum Ready {} // No variants, cannot be initialized
  • Implement methods on O only for relevant states.

  • Methods on O that update state take owned self and return instance with new state.

  • Make your type generic over its state using std::marker::PhantomData. 👻 PhantomData<T> makes types act like they own a T, and takes no space.

Typestate: Example

pub enum Idle {} // Nothing to do.
pub enum ItemSelected {} // Item was selected.
pub enum MoneyInserted {} // Money was inserted.

pub struct CandyMachine<S> {
  state: PhantomData<S>,
impl<S> CandyMachine<S> {
  /// Just update the state
  fn into_state<NS>(self) -> CandyMachine<NS> {
    CandyMachine { state: PhantomData, }
impl CandyMachine<Idle> {
  pub fn new() -> Self {
    Self { state: PhantomData }
impl CandyMachine<Idle> {
  fn select_item(self, item: usize)
    -> CandyMachine<ItemSelected> {
    println!("Selected item {item}");
impl CandyMachine<ItemSelected> {
  fn insert_money(self)
    -> CandyMachine<MoneyInserted> {
    println!("Money inserted!");
impl CandyMachine<MoneyInserted> {
  fn make_beverage(self)
    -> CandyMachine<Idle> {
    println!("There you go!");

Typestate: When to Use?

  • If your problem is like a state machine.
  • Ensure at compile time that no invalid operation is done.

References: Look at serde::Serialize and serialize_struct which starts the typestate pattern.

4. The Strategy Pattern

Select behavior dynamically.

Strategy: Introduction

  • Turn set of behaviors into objects.
  • Make them interchangeble inside context.
  • Execute strategy depending on input.

Trait objects work well here!

Strategy: Example

trait PaymentStrategy {
  fn pay(&self);

struct CashPayment;
impl PaymentStrategy for CashPayment {
  fn pay(&self) {

struct CardPayment;
impl PaymentStrategy for CardPayment {
  fn pay(&self) {
fn main() {
  let method = todo!("Read input");

  let strategy: &dyn PaymentStrategy
    = match method {
    "card" => &CardPayment,
    "cash" => &CashPayment,
    _ => panic!("Oh no!"),

Strategy: When to Use?

  • Switch algorithms based on some run-time parameter (input, config, …).


What not to do

Deref Polymorphism

A common pitfall you’ll want to avoid.

Deref Polymorphism: Example

use std::ops::Deref;

struct Animal {
    name: String,

impl Animal {
    fn walk(&self) {
        println!("Tippy tap")
    fn eat(&self) {
        println!("Om nom")
    fn say_name(&self) {
        // Animals generally can't speak
struct Dog {
    animal: Animal
impl Dog {
    fn eat(&self) {
        println!("Munch munch");
    fn bark(&self) {
        println!("Woof woof!");
impl Deref for Dog {
    type Target = Animal;

    fn deref(&self) -> &Self::Target {
fn main (){
    let dog: Dog = todo!("Instantiate Dog");

The Output

Woof woof!
Tippy tap
Munch munch

Even overloading works!

Why Is It Bad?

  • No real inheritance: Dog is no subtype of Animal.
  • Traits on Animal are not implemented on Dog automatically.
  • Deref and DerefMut intended for ‘pointer-to-T’ to T conversions.
  • Deref coercion by . ‘converts’ self from Dog to Animal
  • Rust favours explicit conversions for easier reasoning about code.

Confusion: for OOP programmers it’s incomplete, for Rust programmers it is unidiomatic.

⚠️ Don’t do OOP in Rust!

What to Do Instead?

  • Move away from OOP constructs
  • Compose your structs.
  • Use the facade pattern and methods.
  • Use AsRef and AsMut for explicit conversion.

More Anti-Patterns

  • Use global state: Singleton patterns and global variables.
  • Forcing dynamic dispatch in libraries.
  • clone() to satisfy the borrow checker.
  • unwrap() or expect() to handle conditions that are recoverable or not impossible

Testing your Crate

Testing Methods

  • Testing for correctness:
    • Unit tests
    • Integration tests
  • Testing for performance:
    • Benchmarks

Unit Tests

  • Tests a single function or method.
  • Live in child module.
  • Can test private code.

To run:

cargo test
running 2 tests
test tests::test_swap_items ... ok
test tests::test_swap_oob - should panic ... ok
test result: ok.
    2 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured;
    0 filtered out;
    finished in 0.00s
## Don't capture stdout while running tests
cargo test -- --nocapture

Rust compiles your test code into binary using a test harness that itself has a CLI:

/// Swaps two values at the `first` and
/// `second` indices of the slice.
fn swap(slice: &mut [u32],
        first: usize, second: usize) {
  let tmp = slice[second];
  slice[second] = slice[first];
  slice[first] = tmp;
/// This module is only compiled in `test` configuration.
mod tests {
  use crate::swap;

  // Mark function as test.
  fn test_swap() {
    let mut array = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    swap(&mut array[..], 1, 4);
    assert_eq!(array, [0, 4, 2, 3, 1, 5]);

  #[should_panic] // This should panic.
  fn test_swap_oob() {
    let mut array = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
    swap(&mut array[..], 1, 6);

Integration Tests

  • Tests crate public API.
  • Run with cargo test.
  • Defined in tests folder.
├── Cargo.toml
├── examples
│   └──
├── src
│   ├── another_mod
│   │   └──
│   ├── bin
│   │   └──
│   ├──
│   ├──
│   └──
└── tests

Tests in Your Documentation

You can even use examples in your documentation as tests

/// Calculates fibonacci number n.
/// # Examples
/// ```
/// # use example::fib;
/// assert_eq!(fib(2), 1);
/// assert_eq!(fib(5), 5);
/// assert_eq!(fib(55), 55);
/// ```
pub fn fib(n: u64) -> u64 {
    if n <= 1 {
    } else {
        fib(n - 1) + fib(n - 2)
cargo test --doc


  • Test performance of code (vs. correctness).
  • Runs a tests many times, yield average execution time.
  • Before you do benchmarking do unit testing!.

Good benchmarking is Hard

  • Beware of optimizations.
  • Beware of initialization overhead.
  • Be sure your benchmark is representative.

More in Exercises