Rust Workshop 🦀

Part 1: From Python to Rust & Basics

Gabriel Nützi,

August 14, 2024 (updated October 31, 24), Part 2


The Rust programming language absolutely positively sucks Reedit

  • Python: Runtime Mess 🐞 💣

  • Rust: Compile-Time Mess 🔧 (deps. on your level of experience)

How I Learned?


How to use these slides:

  • S: See the speaker notes.
  • Esc: See all slides and jump around.
  • Space: Go forward.
  • Shift + Space: Go backward.


Thanks to the following contributors who fixed typos and mistakes:

  • The ORDES Team at SDSC, who helped me fixing typos & bugs.

  • Gerry Bräunlich, Michael Kefeder & Stefan Tüx who allowed me to attend the Rust Fest and pointing me to interesting teaching material.


Rust Workshop

Rust References

Why Rust

What the Heck is Rust 🦀

A Multi-Paradigm Language

  • procedural like Python, i.e. functions 󰊕, loops 󰑙, …
  • functional aspects, i.e. iterators 🏃, lambdas 󰡱 …
  • object-oriented aspects but unlike Python ( its better ❤️)

What the Heck is Rust 🦀

A Compiled Language Unlike Python

  • The Rust compiler rustc 🦀 will convert your code to machine-code ⚙️.
    Python is an interpreter.

  • It has a strong type system (algebraic types: sum types, product types).

  • It was invented in 2009 by Mozilla (Firefox) - Rust Foundation as the driver today.

Note: 10% of Firefox is in Rust for good reasons you will realize in the following.

Benefits You Get on the 🦀 Journey

A few selling points for python programmers.

Come on 🐨 show me syntax!

The syntax* is similar and as easy to read as in Python.

struct Apple {
  name: String

fn grow() -> Vec<Apple> {

  let apples = vec![Apple{name: "a".to_string()},
                    Apple{name: "b".to_string()}];

  for b in &apples {
    println!("Apple: {b:?}");

class Apple:
  name: str

def grow() -> List[Apple]:

  apples = [Apple("a"),

  for b in apples:
    print(f"Apple: {}")

  return apples

*: 80% you will encounter is very readable (except macros etc.).

But Why?

More reasons why you should learn a compiled, statically typed language…

What Rust Promises 🤚

  1. Pedal to the metal
  2. Comes with a warranty
  3. Beautiful code
  4. Rust is practical

Pedal to The Metal

  • Compiled language, not interpreted.

  • State-of-the-art machine-code generation using LLVM.

  • No garbage collector (GC) getting in the way of execution.

    def run():
      d = { "a":1, "b":2 } # Memory is allocated on the heap.

    Question: Does the memory of d still exist after run()?

     We don’t know 🤷

  • Usable in embedded devices, operating systems and demanding websites.

Rust Comes with a Warranty

  • Strong type system helps prevent silly bugs 🐞:

    def concat(numbers: List[str]) -> str:
      return "-".join(numbers)
    concat(["1", "2", "30", 4, "5", "7", "10"])
  • Explicit errors instead of exceptions ❗(later):

    def main():
      file_count = get_number_of_files()
      if file_count is None:
        print("Could not determine file count.")

    Question: Is this error handling correct if:
    get_number_of_files = lambda: int(sys.argv[0])

Rust Comes with a Warranty

  • Ownership Model: Type system tracks lifetime of objects.

    • No more exceptions about accessing None.
    • You know who owns an objects (variable/memory).
  • Programs don’t trash your system accidentally

    • Warranty can be voided (unsafe).

Rust Comes with a Warranty

Experience: “♥️ If it compiles, it is more often correct. ♥️”

  • Enables compiler driven development.

  • 100% code coverage:


    def get_float(num: str | float) -> float:
      match (num):
          case str(num):
              return float(num)

    You trust mypy which is not enforced at runtime.


    enum StrOrFloat {
    fn get_float(n: StrOrFloat) -> f64 {
        match n {
            StrOrFloat::MyFloat(x) => x,

Rust Comes with a Warranty

Experience: “♥️ If it compiles, it is more often correct. ♥️”

  • No invalid syntax.
  • Guaranteed thread safety.
  • Model your business logic with struct and enums.


  • Rust is fast 🚀. Comparable to C++/C, faster than go.

    • Python is slow, that’s why most libraries outsource to C or Rust.
  • Rust is concurrent ⇉ by design (safe-guarded by the ownership model).

Why Should 🫵 Learn Rust?

  • Learning a new language teaches you new tricks:

    • You will also write better code (also in Python)!
  • Rust is a young, but a quickly growing platform:

    • You can help shape its future.
    • Demand for Rust programmers will increase!

Your First Project

Create a Project

cargo new hello-world

Cargo is the build tool for Rust. It includes a package manager, commands for initiating libraries/CLI etc.

cd hello-world
cargo run
Compiling hello-world v0.1.0
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.74s
Running `target/debug/hello-world`
Hello, world!

Computing a Simple Sum

fn main() {
    println!("sum(4) = 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = {}", sum(4));

fn sum(n: u64) -> u64 {
    if n != 0 {
        n + sum(n-1)
    } else {
// Note: avoid recursion as you always can :)


sum(4) = 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 10

Basic Syntax

Variables (1)

fn main() {
    let some_x = 5;
    println!("some_x = {}", some_x);
    some_x = 6;
    println!("some_x = {some_x}");
Compiling hello-world v0.1.0
error[E0384]: cannot assign twice to immutable variable `some_x`
--> src/
2 |     let some_x = 5;
  |         ------
  |         |
  |         first assignment to `some_x`
  |         help: consider making this binding mutable: `mut some_x`
3 |     println!("some_x = {}", some_x);
4 |     some_x = 6;
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^ cannot assign twice to immutable variable
  • Rust uses snake case (e.g. some_x) for variable names.
  • The immutable (read-only) variable cannot be mutated in any way.

Variables (2)

fn main() {
    let mut some_x = 5;
    println!("some_x = {}", some_x);
    some_x = 6;
    println!("some_x = {}", some_x);
Compiling hello-world v0.1.0 (/home/teach-rs/Projects/hello-world)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.26s
Running `target/debug/hello-world`
some_x = 5
some_x = 6
  • Declare a mutable variable with mut to update

Declaring a Type of Variable

fn main() {
    let x: i32 = 20;
    //   ^^^^^---------- Type annotation. (as in python)
  • Rust is strongly and strictly typed.
  • Variables use type inference, so no need to specify a type (Henly-Millner Type System), (Understanding It).
  • We can be explicit in our types (and sometimes have to be).

Primitives: Integers

Length Signed Unsigned
8 bits i8 u8
16 bits i16 u16
32 bits i32 u32
64 bits i64 u64
128 bits i128 u128
pointer-sized isize usize


let x = 42;
let y = 42u64; // decimal as u64
let z = 42_000; // underscore separator

let u = 0xff; // hexadecimal
let v = 0o77; // octal
let q = b'A'; // byte syntax (is u8)
let w = 0b0100_1101; // binary
  • Rust prefers explicit integer sizes.
  • Use isize and usize sparingly.

Primitives: Floating Points Numbers

fn main() {
    let x = 2.0;    // f64
    let y = 1.0f32; // f32
  • f32: single precision (32-bit) floating point number.
  • f64: double precision (64-bit) floating point number.
  • f128: 128-bit floating point number.

Numerical Operations

fn main() {
    let sum = 5 + 10;
    let difference = 10 - 3;
    let mult = 2 * 8;
    let div = 2.4 / 3.5;
    let int_div = 10 / 3; // 3
    let remainder = 20 % 3;
  • Overflow/underflow checking in debug:

    let a: u8 = 0b1111_1111;
    println!("{}", a + 10); // compiler error:
                   ^^^^^^ attempt to compute `u8::MAX + 10_u8`,
                          which would overflow
  • In release builds these expressions are wrapping, for efficiency.

Numerical Operations

  • You cannot mix and match types, i.e.:
fn main() {
    let invalid_div = 2.4 / 5;          // Error!
    let invalid_add = 20u32 + 40u64;    // Error!
  • Rust has your typical operations, just as with other python languages.

Primitives: Booleans and Operations

fn main() {
    let yes: bool = true;
    let no: bool = false;
    let not = !no;
    let and = yes && no;
    let or = yes || no;
    let xor = yes ^ no;

Comparison Operators

fn main() {
    let x = 10;
    let y = 20;
    x < y;  // true
    x > y;  // false
    x <= y; // true
    x >= y; // false
    x == y; // false
    x != y; // true
fn main() {
    3.0 < 20;      // invalid
    30u64 > 20i32; // invalid
  • Boolean operators short-circuit: i.e. if in a && b, a is already false, then the code for b is not executed.

Primitives: Characters

fn main() {
    let c: char = 'z'; // Note: the single-quotes ''.
    let z = 'ℤ';
    let heart_eyed_cat = '😻';
  • A char is a 32-bit unicode scalar value (like in python).


    let s1 = String::from("Hello, 🌍!");
    //       ^^^^^^ Owned, heap-allocated string
  • Rust Strings are UTF-8-encoded.
  • Cannot be indexed like Python str.
  • String is heap-allocated.
  • Actually many types of strings in Rust
    • CString
    • PathBuf
    • OsString

Primitives: Tuples

fn main() {
  let tup: (i32, f32, char) = (1, 2.0, 'a');
  • Group multiple values into a single compound type.
  • Fixed size.
  • Different types per element.
fn main() {
  let tup = (1, 2.0, 'Z');
  let (a, b, c) = tup;
  println!("({}, {}, {})", a, b, c);

  let another_tuple = (true, 42);
  println!("{}", another_tuple.1);
  • Tuples can be destructured to get to their individual values
  • Access an element with . followed by a zero based index.

Primitives: Arrays

fn main() {
    let arr: [i32; 3] = [1, 2, 3];
    println!("{}", arr[0]);

    let [a, b, c] = arr;
    println!("[{}, {}, {}]", a, b, c);
  • A collection of multiple values, but same type.
  • Always fixed length at compile time (similar to tuples).
  • Use [i] to access an individual i-th value.
  • Destructuring as with tuples.
  • Rust always checks array bounds when accessing a value in an array.
  • This is not Pythons list type! (Vec later).

Control Flow

fn main() {
    let mut x = 0;
    loop {
        if x < 5 {
            println!("x: {}", x);
            x += 1;
        } else {

    let mut y = 5;
    while y > 0 {
        y -= 1;
        println!("y: {}", x);

    for i in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] {
        println!("i: {}", i);
  • A loop or if condition must always evaluate to a boolean type, so no if 1.

  • Use break to break out of a loop, also works with for and while, continue to skip to the next iteration.


fn add(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
    a + b // or: `return a+b`

fn returns_nothing() -> () {
    println!("Nothing to report");

fn also_returns_nothing() {
    println!("Nothing to report");
  • The function signature must be annotated with types.
  • Type inference may be used in function body.
  • A function that returns nothing has the return type unit ()
  • Either return an expression on the last line with no semicolon (or write return expr).


  • Statements are instructions that perform some action and do not return a value.
  • A definition of any kind (function definition etc.)
  • The let var = expr; statement.
  • Almost everything else is an expression.


fn my_fun() {
    println!("{}", 5);
let x = 10;
return 42;
let x = (let y = 10); // invalid


  • Expressions evaluate to a resulting value.
  • Expressions make up most of the Rust code you write.
  • Includes all control flow such as if and loop.
  • Includes scoping braces ({ and }).
  • Semicolon (;) turns expression into statement.
fn main() {
    let y = {
        let x = 3;
        x + 1
    println!("{}", y); // 4


  • We just mentioned the scope braces ({ and }).
  • Variable scopes are actually very important for how Rust works.
fn main() {
    println!("Hello, {}", name);  // invalid: name is not yet defined

        let name = "world";  // from this point name is in scope
        println!("Hello, {}", name);
    } // name goes out of scope

    println!("Hello, {}", name);  // invalid: name is no more defined

Expressions - Control Flow

  • Remember: A block/function can end with an expression, but it needs to have the correct type

  • Control flow expressions as a statement do not
    need to end with a semicolon if they return unit (()).

fn main() {
    let y = 11;
    // if as an expression
    let x = if y < 10 {
        42    // missing ;
    } else {
        24    // missing ;

    // if (control-flow expr.) as a statement
    if x == 42 {
    } else {
    } // no ; necessary

Expression - Control Flow

Quiz: Does this compile?

fn main() {
    if 2 < 10 {
    } else {
fn main() {
    if 2 < 10 {
    } else {

Answer: No - It needs a ; on line 2 because the if expression returns a value which must be turned into statement with };

Expression - Control Flow

Quiz: Does this compile?

fn main() {
    let a = if if 1 != 2 { 3 } else { 4 } == 4 {
    } else {

    println!("{}", a)

Answer: Yes - a == 1.

Scope (more)

When a scope ends, all variables for that scope become “extinct” (deallocated/removed from the stack).

fn main() { // nothing in scope here
  let i = 10; // i is now in scope

  if i > 5 {
      let j = 20; // j is now in scope
      println!("i = {}, j = {}", i, j);
  } // j is no longer in scope

  println!("i = {}", i);
} // i is no longer in scope
def main():
  i = 10;

  if i > 5:
      j = 20
      print(f"i = {j}, j = {i}")

  print(i, j) # 💩: j is STILL in scope

Note: This is very different from python.

Printing & Formatting Values

With the format! or println! macros (later) you can format or print variables to stdout of your application:

fn main() {
  let x = 130;
  let y = 50;

  println!("{} + {}", x, y);
  println!("{x} + {y}");

  let s: String = format!("{x:04} + {0:>10}", y);


130 + 50
130 + 50
0130 +         50

Exercise Time (1)

Approx. Time: 20-45 min.

Do the following exercises:

  • basic-syntax: all, 09 (optional: macros, read here:


just build <exercise> --bin 01
just run <exercise> --bin 01
just test <exercise> --bin 01
just watch [build|run|test|watch] <exercise> --bin 01

Move Semantics


  • A computer program consists of a set of instructions.
  • Those instructions manipulate some memory.
  • How does a program know what memory can be used?

Program Execution

An executable binary (a file on your disk) will be loaded first into the memory.

  • The machine instructions are loaded into the memory.

  • The static data in the binary (i.e. strings etc) is also loaded into memory.

  • The CPU starts fetching the instructions from the RAM and will start to execute the machine instructions.

  • Two memory mechanisms are at play when executing: the stack and the heap

Further Technical Videos: A program is not a process, Why is the heap so slow, Why is the stack so fast.

Memory Layout


Continuous areas of memory for local variables in functions.

  • It is fixed in size.

  • Stack grows and shrinks, it follows function calls. Each function has its own stack frame for all its local variables.

  • Values must have fixed sizes known at compile time. (If the compiler doesn’t know it cannot compute the stack frame size)

  • Access is extremely fast: offset the stack pointer.

  • Great memory locality  CPU caches.

Memory Layout

Stack - Example

fn foo() { // Enter 2. stack frame.
    let a: u32 = 10; // `a` points on the stack containing 10.
    println!("a address: {:p}", &a);

    let b: u32 = a;  // Copy `a` to `b`.
    println!("b address: {:p}", &b);
} // `a,b` out of scope, we leave the stack frame.

fn main() { // Enter 1. stack frame.

Stack frame for foo needs at least \(2 \cdot 32\) bits = \(2 \cdot 4\) bytes = \(8\) bytes.

a address: 0x7ffdb6f09c08
b address: 0x7ffdb6f09c0c  // 08 + 4bytes = 0c

The Heap (1)

The heap is just one big pile of memory for dynamic memory allocation.


  • Memory which outlives the stack (when you leave the function).

  • Storing big objects in memory is done using the heap.

The Heap (2)

The memory management on the heap depends on the language you write.


  • Allocation/deallocation on the heap is done by the operating system.

    • Linux: Programs will call into glibc (malloc , etc.) which interacts with the kernel.
  • Depends on the language:

    • Full Control: C, C++, Pascal,…:
      • Programmer decides when to allocate and deallocate memory.
      • Programmer ensures if some pointer still points to valid memory  🚀 vs. 💣🐞
    • Full Safety: Java, Python, Go, Haskell, …:
      • A runtime system (garbage collector) ensures memory is deallocated at the right time.  🐌 vs. 🦺

Mechanics 🦀

  • Full Control and Safety: Rust - Via compile time enforcement of correct memory management.

    • It does this with an explicit ownership concept.
    • It tracks life times (of references).

Variable Scoping (recap)

fn main() {
    let i = 10; // `i` in scope.

    if i > 5 {
        let j = i;
    }  // `j` no longer in scope.

    println!("i = {}", i);
} // i is no longer in scope
  • Types of i and j are examples of a Copy types.
  • What if copying is too expensive?

Ownership (1)

// Create a variable on the stack.
let a = 5;

Local integer a allocated on the

// Create an owned, heap allocated string
let a = String::from("hello");

Strings (a) store data on the heap because they can grow.

Ownership (2)

fn foo() {
  let a = 5;
  let b = a;

Assignment of a to b copies a to b.

fn foo() {
  let a = String::from("hello");
  let b = a;

Assign. a to b transfers ownership (move).

  • When a out of scope: nothing happens.
  • When b goes out of scope: the string data is deallocated.

Ownership (3)

fn foo() {
  let a = String::from("hello");
  let b = a;
  println!("{}, world!", a);
  //                     ^--- Nope!! ❌
error[E0382]: borrow of moved value: `a`
--> src/
2 |     let a = String::from("hello");
  |         - move occurs because `a`
  |           has type `String`, which
  |           does not implement the `Copy`
  |           trait
3 |     let b = a;
  |             - value moved here
4 |     println!("{}, world!", a);
  |                            ^
  |            value borrowed here
  |            after move

Ownership - The Rules

  • There is always ever only one owner of a stack value.

  • Once the owner goes out of scope (and is removed from the stack), any associated values on the heap will be deallocated.

  • Rust transfers ownership for non-copy types: move semantics.

Ownership - Move into Function

fn main() {
  let a = String::from("hello");

  let len = calculate_length(a);
  println!("Length of '{}' is {}.",
           a, len);

fn calculate_length(s: String) -> usize {
error[E0382]: borrow of moved value: `a`
--> src/
2 | let a = String::from("hello");
  |     - move occurs because `a`
  |       has type `String`,
  |       which does not implement the
  |       `Copy` trait
3 | let len = calculate_length(a);
  |           value moved here -
4 | println!("Length of '{}' is {}.",
  |          a, len);
  |          ^
  |          value borrowed here after move

Ownership - Moving Out of Function

We can return a value to move it out of the function

fn main() {
    let a = String::from("hello");
    let (len, a) = calculate_length(a);

    println!("Length of '{}' is {}.", a, len);

fn calculate_length(s: String) -> (usize, String) {
    (s.len(), s)
Compiling playground v0.0.1
Finished dev ...
Running `target/debug/playground`

Length of 'hello' is 5.


  • Many types in Rust are Clone-able.
  • Use clone() to create an explicit clone.
    • In contrast to Copy which creates an implicit copy.
  • ⏱️ Clones can be expensive and could take a long time, so be careful.
  • 🐌 Not very efficient if a clone is short-lived like in this example .

fn main() {
    let x = String::from("hellothisisaverylongstring...");
    let len = get_length(x.clone());
    println!("{}: {}", x, len);

fn get_length(arg: String) -> usize {

Clone Explicitness vs. Python

In contrast to Rust, python hides when stuff gets copied or referenced:

# Python
a = 1
b = a
b += 1
print(a) # `a` is unchanged
         #  -> `int` is a copy-type.
# Python
a = {'a': 1}
b = a    # `b` is a reference to `a`.
b['a'] += 1
print(a) # `a` is 2
         #  -> dict is reference-counted.

Exercise Time (2)

Approx. Time: 20-30 min.

Do the following exercises:

  • move-semantics: all


just build <exercise> --bin 01
just run <exercise> --bin 01
just test <exercise> --bin 01
just watch [build|run|test|watch] <exercise> --bin 01

Ownership and Borrowing


We previously talked about ownership:

  • There is always a single owner for each stack value.
  • If owner goes out of scope any associated values is cleaned up.
  • Copy types (Copy trait) creates copies, all other types are moved.

Moving Out of a Function

We have previously seen this example:

fn main() {
    let a = String::from("hello");
    let len = calculate_length(a);

    println!("Length of '{}' is {}.", a, len);

fn calculate_length(s: String) -> usize {
  • Does not compile ⇒ ownership of a is moved into calculate_length ⇒ no longer available in main.
  • We can use Clone to create an explicit copy.
  • We can give ownership back by returning the value.

Question: Are there other options?

Moving Out of a Function (🐍)

In Python we have this:

def main() {
    a = "hello";
    l = calculate_length(a);

    print(f"Length of '{a}' is {l}.");

def calculate_length(s: str) -> int {
    return len(s)

Question: To what memory does s refer to? Is it a copy?


  • Analogy: if somebody owns something you can borrow it from them, but eventually you have to give it back.

  • If a value is borrowed, it is not moved and the ownership stays with the original owner.

  • To borrow in Rust, we create a reference

fn main() {
    let x = String::from("hello");
    let len = get_length(&x); // borrow with &

    println!("{}", x);

fn get_length(s: &String) -> usize {

Shared References

Create a shared (read-only or immutable) reference &:

fn main() {
    let s = String::from("hello");

    println!("{}", s);

fn change(s: &String) {
    s.push_str(", world");
    cannot borrow `*s` as mutable,
    as it is behind a `&` reference
 --> src/
8 | fn change(s: &String) {
  |              -------
  |     help: consider changing this to
  |            be a mutable reference:
  |           `&mut String`
9 |     s.push_str(", world");
  |     ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
  |     `s` is a `&` reference, so the data
  |     it refers to cannot be borrowed
  |     as mutable

For more information about this error,
try `rustc --explain E0596`.

Exclusive References

Create an exclusive (writable or mutable) reference &mut:

fn main() {
    let mut s = String::from("hello");
    change(&mut s);

    println!("{}", s);

fn change(s: &mut String) {
    s.push_str(", world");
Compiling playground v0.0.1 (/playground)
Finished dev target(s) in 2.55s
Running `target/debug/playground`
hello, world
  • A write reference can even fully replace the original value.

  • Use the dereference operator (*) to modify the value:

    *s = String::from("Goodbye");

Rules for Borrowing and References

To any value, you can either have at the same time:


  • A single write reference &mut T 🖊️


  • Many read references &T 📑 📑 📑


  • References cannot live longer than their owners.
  • A reference will always at all times point to a valid value.

These rules are enforced by the borrow checker.

Borrowing and Memory Safety

  • The ownership model does guarantee no:
    null pointer dereferences, data races, dangling pointers, use after free.

  • 🦺 Rust is memory safe without any runtime garbage collector.

  • 🚀 Performance of a language that would normally let you manage memory manually.

Borrow Checker’s Scope

BorrowChecker’s Scope
  • There are different facilities in Rust to work around some limitations of the borrow checker (Interior Mutability (later)).

Reference Example

fn main() {
    let mut s = String::from("hello");
    let a = &s;
    let b = &s;
    let c = &mut s;
    println!("{} - {} - {}", a, b, c);
error[E0502]: cannot borrow `s` as mutable
              because it is also
              borrowed as immutable
 --> src/
3 |     let a = &s;
  |              - immutable borrow occurs
  |                here
4 |     let b = &s;
5 |     let c = &mut s;
  |              ^^^^^ mutable borrow occurs here
6 |     println!("{} - {} - {}", a, b, c);
  |                              ^
  |  immutable borrow later used here

For more information about this error,
try `rustc --explain E0502`.

Returning References - Quiz

Question: Does the following work? Link

fn give_me_a_ref() -> &String {
  let s = String::from("Ups");
error[E0106]: missing lifetime specifier
1 | fn give_me_a_ref() -> &String {
  |                       ^ expected named
  |                         lifetime parameter
  = help: this function's return type
        contains a borrowed value,
          but there is no value for it to be borrowed from
help: consider using the `'static` lifetime,
      but this is uncommon unless you're returning a
      borrowed value from a `const` or a `static`
1 | fn give_me_a_ref() -> &'static String {
  |                        +++++++
help: instead, you are more likely
      to want to return an owned value
1 | fn give_me_a_ref() -> String {

❗Note: Returning a reference to a stack value (e.g. s) is not possible.

Returning References - Quiz

The following is the correct signature:

fn give_me_a_value() -> String {
    let s = String::from("Hello, world!");

Returning References

You can however pass a reference through the function:

fn give_me_a_ref(input: &(String, i32)) -> &String {
  • Rust annotates each reference with a lifetime.
  • How to use lifetimes?  later!

Exercise Time (3)

Approx. Time: 20-30 min.

Do the following exercises:

  • borrowing: all


just build <exercise> --bin 01
just run <exercise> --bin 01
just test <exercise> --bin 01
just watch [build|run|test|watch] <exercise> --bin 01

Composite Types

Types Redux

We have seen so far:

  • Primitives (integers, floats, booleans, characters)
  • Compounds (tuples, arrays)
  • Most of the types we looked at were Copy

Borrowing will make more sense with some more complex data types.

Structuring data

Rust has two important ways to structure data

  • struct : product type
  • enums : sum type
  • unions

Structs (tuple structs)

A tuple struct is similar to a tuple but it has an own name:

struct ControlPoint(f64, f64, bool);

Access to members the same as with tuples:

fn main() {
  let cp = ControlPoint(10.5, 12.3, true);
  println!("{}", cp.0); // prints 10.5


More common (and preferred) - structs with named fields:

struct ControlPoint {
  x: f64,
  y: f64,
  enabled: bool,
  • Each member has a proper identifier.
fn main() {
  let cp = ControlPoint {
    x: 10.5,
    y: 12.3,
    enabled: true,

  println!("{}", cp.x); // prints 10.5


One other powerful type is the enum. It is a sum type:

enum Fruit {
fn main() {
  let fruit = Fruit::Banana;
  • An enumeration has different variants, python analogy:

    variant: str | int | List[str]
  • Each variant is an alternative value of the enum, pick a value on creation.

Enumeration - Mechanics

enum Fruit {
  Banana, // discriminant: 0
  Apple, // discriminant: 1
  • Each enum has a discriminant (hidden by default):

    • A numeric value (isize by default, can be changed by using #[repr(numeric_type)]) to determine the current variant.

    • One cannot rely on the discriminant being isize, the compiler may decide to optimize it.

Enumerations - Data (1)

Enums are very powerful: each variant can have associated data

enum Fruit {
  Banana(u16, u16), // discriminant: 0
  Apple(f32, f32), // discriminant: 1
fn main() {
  let 🍌 = Fruit::Banana(3, 2);
  let 🍎 = Fruit::Apple(3.0, 4.);
  • The associated data and the variant are bound together.
  • Impossible to create Apple only giving u16 integers.
  • An enum is as large as the largest variant +
    size of the discriminant.

Mix Sum and Product Types

Combining sum-type with a product-type:

struct Color {
  rgb: (bool, bool, bool)

enum Fruit {
  Apple(bool, bool)

fn main() {
  let 🍌 = Fruit::Banana(Color{rgb: (false,true,false)});
  let 🍎 = Fruit::Apple(false, true);

The type Fruit has \((2\cdot 2 \cdot 2) + (2\cdot 2) = 12\) possible states.

Enumerations - Discriminant

You can control the discriminant like:

enum Bar {
    A, // 0
    B = 10000,
    C, // 10001

fn main() {
    println!("A: {}", Bar::A as u32);
    println!("B: {}", Bar::B as u32);
    println!("C: {}", Bar::C as u32);

Exercise Time (4)

Approx. Time: 20-30 min.

Do the following exercises:

  • composite-types: all


just build <exercise> --bin 01
just run <exercise> --bin 01
just test <exercise> --bin 01
just watch [build|run|test|watch] <exercise> --bin 01

Pattern Matching

Extracting Data from enum

  • We must ensure we interpret enum data correctly.
  • Use pattern matching to do so.

Pattern Matching

Using the if let [pattern] = [value] statement:

fn accept_banana(fruit: Fruit) {
  if let Fruit::Banana(a, _) = fruit {
    println!("Got a banana: {}", a);
  } else {
    println!("not handled")
  • a is a local variables within if-body.

  • The underscore (_) can be used to accept any value.

  • Note: Abbreviation for the above: let else.

    let Fruit::Banana(a, _) = fruit else {
        println!("not handled.")
  • There is also while let.

Match Statement

Pattern matching is very powerful if combined with the match statement:

fn accept_fruit(fruit: Fruit) {
  match fruit {
    Fruit::Banana(3) => {
      println!("Banana is 3 months old.");
    Fruit::Banana(v) => {
      println!("Banana: age {:?}.", v)
    Fruit::Apple(true, _) => {
      println!("Ripe apple.");
    _ => {
      println!("Wrong fruit...");
enum Fruit {
  Apple(bool, bool)
  • Every part of the match is called an arm. First match from top to bottom wins!

  • A match is exhaustive, meaning all possible values must be handled

  • Use a catch-all _ arm for all remaining cases. Use deliberately!

Match Expression

The match statement can even be used as an expression:

fn get_age(fruit: Fruit) {
  let age = match fruit {
    Fruit::Banana(a) => a,
    Fruit::Apple(_) => 1, // _ matches the tuple.

  println!("The age is: {}", age);
  • All match arms must return the same type.
  • No catch all (_ =>) arm -> all cases are handled.

Complex Match Statements

fn main() {
    let input = 'x';
    match input {
        'q'                       => println!("Quitting"),
        'a' | 's' | 'w' | 'd'     => println!("Moving around"),
        '0'..='9'                 => println!("Number input"),
        key if key.is_lowercase() => println!("Lowercase: {key}"),
        _                         => println!("Something else"),
  • | means or.
  • 1..=9 is an inclusive range (later!).

Quiz: Why not if key.is_lowercase() after => ?

Answer: That would never print Something else.

Implementation Blocks impl

Implementing Member Functions

To associate functions to structs and enums, we use impl blocks

fn main() {
  let x = "Hello";
  • Syntax x.len() similar to field access in structs.

The impl Block (2)

struct Banana
  size: f64;

impl Banana {
  fn get_volume(&self) -> f64 {
    return self.size * self.size * 1.5;

fn main() {
  let b = Banana{size: 4};
  let v = b.get_volume();
  • Functions can be defined on our types using impl blocks.

  • Implementation blocks possible on any type, not just structs (with exceptions).

The self & Self: Implementation

  • self parameter: the receiver on which a function is defined.
  • Self type: shorthand for the type of current implementation.
struct Banana { size: f64; }

impl Banana {
    fn new(i: f64) -> Self { Self { size: i } }

    fn consume(self) -> Self {
        Self::new(self.size - 5.0)
    // Take read reference of `Banana` instance.
    fn borrow(&self) -> &f64 { &self.size }
    // Take write reference of `Banana` instance.
    fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut f64 {
        &mut self.size
  • Absence of a self parameter means its an associated function on that type (e.g. new).
  • self is always first argument and its always the type on which impl is defined (type not needed).
  • Prepend & or &mut to self to indicate that we take a value by reference.

The self & Self: Application

fn main () {
  let mut f = Banana::new();
  println!("{}", f.borrow());

  *f.borrow_mut() = 10;

  let g = f.consume();
  println!("{}", g.borrow());

Optionals and Error Handling


structs become more powerful with generics:

struct PointFloat(f64, f64);
struct PointInt(i64, i64);

This is repeating data types 🤨. Is there something better?

struct Point<T>(T, T);

fn main() {
  let float_point: Point<f64> = Point(10.0, 10.0);
  let int_point: Point<i64> = Point(10, 10);

Generics are much more powerful (later more!)

The Option Type

A quick look into the standard library of Rust:

  • Rust does not have null (for good reasons: 🤬 💣 🐞).
  • For types which do not have a value: use Option<T>.
enum Option<T> {

fn main() {
  let some_int = Option::Some(42);
  let no_string: Option<String> = Option::None; // You need the type here!

Error Handling

What would we do when there is an error?

fn divide(x: i64, y: i64) -> i64 {
  if y == 0 {
    // what to do now?
  } else {
    x / y

Error Handling

What would we do when there is an error?

fn divide(x: i64, y: i64) -> i64 {
  if y == 0 {
    panic!("Cannot divide by zero");
  } else {
    x / y
  • A panic! in Rust is the most basic way to handle errors.

  • A panic! will immediately stop running the current thread/program using one of two methods:

    • Unwinding: Going up through the stack and making sure that each value is cleaned up.
    • Aborting: Ignore everything and immediately exit the thread/program (OS will clean up).

Error Handling with panic!

  • Only use panic! in small programs if normal error handling would also exit the program.

  • ❗Avoid using panic! in library code or other reusable components.

Error Handling with Option<T>

We could use an Option<T> to handle the error:

fn divide(x: i64, y: i64) -> Option<i64> {
  if y == 0 {
  } else {
    Some(x / y)

Error Handling with Result<T,E>

The Result<T,E> is a powerful enum for error handling:

enum Result<T, E> {

enum DivideError {
fn divide(x: i64, y: i64) -> Result<i64, DivideError> {
  if x == 1 {
  } else if y == 0 {
  } else {
    Ok(x / y)

Handling Results

Handle the error at the call site:

fn div_zero_fails() {
  match divide(10, 0) {
    Ok(div) => println!("{}", div),
    Err(e) => panic!("Could not divide by zero"),
  • Signature of divide function is explicit in how it can fail.

  • The user (call site) of it can decide what to do, even it decides is panicking 🌻.

  • Note: just as with Option: Result::Ok and Result::Err are available globally.

Handling Results

When prototyping you can use unwrap or expect on Option and Result:

fn div_zero_fails() {
  let div = divide(10, 0).unwrap();
  println!("{}", div);

  div = divide(10, 0).expect("should work!");
  println!("{}", div);
  • unwrap: return x in Ok(x) or Some(x) or panic! if Err(e).

  • expect the same but with a message.

  • To many unwraps is generally a bad practice.

  • If ensured an error won’t occur, using unwrap is a good solution.

Handling Results

Rust has lots of helper functions on Option and Result:

fn div_zero_fails() {
  let div = divide(10, 0).unwrap_or(-1);
  println!("{}", div);

Besides unwrap, there are some other useful utility functions

  • unwrap_or(val): If there is an error, use the value given to unwrap_or instead.
  • unwrap_or_default(): Use the default value for that type if there is an error (Default).
  • unwrap_or_else(fn): Same as unwrap_or, but instead call a function fn that generates a value in case of an error.

The Magic ? Operator

There is a special operator associated with Result, the ? operator

See how this function changes if we use the ? operator:

fn can_fail() -> Result<i64, DivideError> {
  let num: i32 = match divide(10, 1) {
    Ok(v) => v,
    Err(e) => return Err(e),

  match divide(num, 2) {
    Ok(v) => Ok(v * 2),
    Err(e) => Err(e),

The Magic ? Operator

fn can_fail() -> Result<i64, DivideError> {
  let num: i32 = match divide(10, 1) {
    Ok(v) => v,
    Err(e) => return Err(e),

  match divide(num, 2) {
    Ok(v) => Ok(v * 2),
    Err(e) => Err(e),
fn can_fail() -> Result<i64, DivideError> {
  let num = divide(10, 1)?;

  Ok(divide(num, 2)? * 2)

  • The ? operator does an implicit match:

    • on Err(e)e is immediately returned (early return).

    • on Ok(v)  the value v is extracted and it contiues.

Exercise Time (5)

Approx. Time: 20-1.5h min.

Do the following exercises:

  • options (short)
  • error-handling (longer)
  • error-propagation (longer)


just build <exercise> --bin 01
just run <exercise> --bin 01
just test <exercise> --bin 01
just watch [build|run|test|watch] <exercise> --bin 01

The Type Vec<T>

Vec<T>: Storage for Same Type T

The Vec<T> is an array of types T that can grow.

  • Compare this to the array, which has a fixed size:

    fn main() {
      let arr = [1, 2];
      println!("{:?}", arr);
      let mut nums = Vec::new();
      println!("{:?}", nums);

Vec: Constructor Macro

Vec is common type. Use the macro vec! to initialize it with values:

fn main() {
  let mut nums = vec![1, 2];

  println!("{:?}", nums);

Vec: Memory Layout

How can a vector grow? Things on the stack need to be of a fixed size.

Vec<T> Memory Layout
  • A Vec allocates its contents on the heap (a [i64; 4] is on the stack).

  • Quiz: What happens if the capacity is full and we add another element.

    • The Vec reallocates its memory with more capacity to another memory location  Lots of copies 🐌 ⏱️.


Vectors and Arrays

Lets write a sum function for arrays [i64; 10]:

fn sum(data: &[i64; 10]) -> i64 {
  let mut total = 0;

  for val in data {
    total += val;


Vectors and Arrays

Or one for just vectors:

fn sum(data: &Vec<i64>) -> i64 {
  let mut total = 0;

  for val in data {
    total += val;



There is better way.

Slices are typed as [T], where T is the type of the elements in the slice.


  • A slice is a dynamically sized view into a contiguous sequence.

  • Contiguous: elements in memory are evenly spaced.

  • Dynamically Sized: the size of the slice is not stored in the type. It is determined at runtime.

  • View: a slice is never an owned data structure.


The catch with size known at compile time:

fn sum(data: [i64]) -> i64 {
  let mut total = 0;

  for val in data {
    total += val;


fn main() {
  let data = vec![10, 11, 12];
  println!("{}", sum(data));
error[E0277]: the size for values of type `[i64]`
              cannot be known at
              compilation time
 --> src/
1 | fn sum(data: [i64]) -> i64 {
  |        ^^^^ doesn't have a size known
                at compile-time
  = help: the trait `Sized` is not
          implemented for `[i64]`
help: function arguments must have a
      statically known size, borrowed types
      always have a known size


fn sum(data: &[i64]) -> i64 {
  let mut total = 0;

  for val in data {
    total += val;


fn main() {
  let data = vec![10, 11, 12];
  println!("{}", sum(data));
Compiling playground v0.0.1 (/playground)
Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.89s
 Running `target/debug/playground`

Slices - Memory Layout

  • [T] is an incomplete type: we need to know how many of Ts there are.

  • Types with known compile-time size implement the Sized trait, raw slices do not.

  • Slices must always be behind a reference type, i.e. &[T] and &mut [T] (but also Box<[T]> etc.).

  • The length of the slice is always stored together with the reference

Creating Slices

One cannot create slices out of thin air, they have to be located somewhere. Three possibilities:

  • Using a borrow:

    • We can borrow from arrays and vectors to create a slice of their entire contents.
  • Using ranges:

    • We can use ranges to create a slice from parts of a vector or array.
  • Using a literal (for immutable slices only):

    • We can have memory statically available from our compiled binary.

Creating Slices - Borrowing

Using a borrow:

fn sum(data: &[i32]) -> i32 { /* ... */ }

fn main() {
  let v = vec![1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
  let total = sum(&v);

  println!("{}", total);

Creating Slices - Ranges

Using ranges:

fn sum(data: &[i32]) -> i32 { /* ... */ }

fn main() {
  let v = vec![0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6];
  let all = sum(&v[..]);
  let except_first = sum(&v[1..]);
  let except_last = sum(&v[..5]);
  let except_ends = sum(&v[1..5]);
  • The range start..end is half-open, e.g. 
    x in [s..e] fulfills s <= x < e.
  • A range is a type std::ops::Range<T>.

    use std::ops::Range;
    fn main() {
      let my_range: Range<u64> = 0..20;
      for i in 0..10 {
        println!("{}", i);

Creating Slices

From a literal:

fn sum(data: &[i32]) -> i32 { todo!("Sum all items in `data`") }

fn get_v_arr() -> &'static [i32] {
    &[0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6]

fn main() {
  let all = sum(get_v_arr());
  • Interestingly get_v_arr works, but looks like it would only exist temporarily.

  • Literals actually exist during the entire lifetime of the program.

  • &'static indicates: this slice exist for the entire lifetime of the program (later more on lifetimes).


We have already seen the String type being used before, but let’s dive a little deeper

  • Strings are used to represent text.

  • In Rust they are always valid UTF-8.

  • Their data is stored on the heap.

  • A String is similar to Vec<u8> with extra checks to prevent creating invalid text.


Let’s take a look at some strings

fn main() {
  let s = String::from("Hello world 🌏");

  println!("{:?}", s.split_once(" "));

  println!("{}", s.len());

  println!("{:?}", s.starts_with("Hello"));

  println!("{}", s.to_uppercase());

  for line in s.lines() {
    println!("{}", line);

String Literals

Constructing some strings

fn main() {
  let s1 = "Hello world 🌏";
  let s2 = String::from("Hello world");
  • s1 is a slice of type &str: a string slice.

String Literals

Constructing some strings

fn main() {
  let s1: &str = "Hello world";
  let s2: String = String::from("Hello world");

The String Slice - &str

Its possible to get only a part of a string. But what is it?

  • Not [u8]: not every sequence of bytes is valid UTF-8

  • Not [char]: we could not create a slice from a string since it is stored as UTF-8 encoded bytes (one unicode character takes multiple chars).

It needs a new type: str.

  • For string slices we do not use brackets!

Types str, String, [T; N], Vec

Static Dynamic Borrowed
[T; N] Vec<T> &[T]
- String &str
  • There is no static variant of String.

  • Only useful if we wanted strings of an exact length.

  • But just like we had the static slice literals, we can use &'static str literals for that instead!

String or str ?

When to use String and when str?

fn string_len1(data: &String) -> usize {
fn string_len1(data: &str) -> usize {
  • Prefer &str over String whenever possible.
    Reason: &str gives more freedom to the caller  🚀

  • To mutate a string use: &mut str, but you cannot change a slice’s length.

  • Use String or &mut String if you need to fully mutate the string.

Exercise Time (6)

Approx. Time: 30-50 min

Do the following exercises:

  • slices:


just build <exercise> --bin 01
just run <exercise> --bin 01
just test <exercise> --bin 01
just watch [build|run|test|watch] <exercise> --bin 01

Recap 1

Recap 1 - References

Recap 1 - Option & Result & ?

enum Option<T> {

enum Result<R, E> {

Recap - Borrow Checker

Quiz - Does that Compile?

enum Color {None, Blue}
struct Egg { color: Color }

fn colorize(egg: &mut Egg) -> &Color {
  egg.color = Color::Blue;
  return &egg.color

fn main() {
  let mut egg = Egg {color: Color::None};
  let color: &Color;
    let egg_ref = &mut egg;
    color = colorize(egg_ref)
  println!("color: {color:?}")

Question: Does that compile?

Answer: Yes, get takes a shared reference of a field in a &mut Egg which works because we do not access egg_ref after L15.

Quiz - Addendum

The colorize method is basically a method on Egg which takes a exclusive reference &mut self only for the duration of that function.

enum Color {None, Blue}
struct Egg { color: Color }

impl Egg {
  fn colorize(&mut self) -> &Color {
    self.color = Color::Blue;
    return &self.color

fn main() {
  let mut egg = Egg {color: Color::None};
  let color: &Color;
    color = egg.colorize()
  println!("color: {color:?}")

Smart Pointers

Put it in a Box

Box<T> will allocate a type T on the heap and wrap the pointer underneath:

fn main() {
  // Put an integer on the heap
  let boxed_int: Box<i64> = Box::new(10);
Smart Pointer to the Heap
  • 🧰 Boxing: Store a type T on the heap.
  • 👑 Box uniquely owns that value. Nobody else does.
  • 🧺 A Box variable will deallocate the memory when out-of-scope.
  • 🚂 Move semantics apply to a Box. Even if the type inside the box is Copy.


Reasons to box a type T on the heap:

  • When something is too large to move around ⏱️.

  • Need something dynamically sized (dyn Trait later).

  • For writing recursive data structures:

    struct Node {
      data: Vec<u8>,
      parent: Box<Node>,

Exercise Time (7)

Approx. Time: 40-50 min.

Do the following exercises:

  • exercise: boxed-data: all


just build <exercise> --bin 01
just run <exercise> --bin 01
just test <exercise> --bin 01
just watch [build|run|test|watch] <exercise> --bin 01

Traits and Generics

The Problem

fn add_u32(l: u32, r: u32) -> u32 { /*...*/}

fn add_i32(l: i32, r: i32) -> i32 { /*...*/ }

fn add_f32(l: f32, r: f32) -> f32 { /*...*/ }

No-one likes repeating themselves. We need generic code!

Generic code

An example

fn add<T>(a: T, b: T) -> T { /*...*/}

Or, in plain English:

  • <T> : “let T be a type”.
  • a: T : “let a be of type T.
  • -> T : “let T be the return type of this function”.

Some open points:

  • What can we do with a T?
  • What should the body be?

Bounds on Generic Code

We need to provide information to the compiler:

  • Tell Rust what T can do.
  • Tell Rust which types for T are accepted.
  • Tell Rust how T implements functionality.

The trait Keyword

Describe what the type can do but not specifying what data it has:

trait Add {
    fn add(&self, other: &Self) -> Self;

This is similar in other languages:

Python (not as strict 🙁):

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
class Add(ABC):
    def add(self, other: Self):


type Add interface {
    func add(other Add)

::: notes Traits are not types! :::

Implementing a trait

Describe how the type does it

impl Add for u32 {
    fn add(&self, other: &Self) -> Self {
      *self + *other

Using a trait

// Import the trait
use my_mod::Add

fn main() {
  let a: u32 = 6;
  let b: u32 = 8;
  // Call trait method
  let result = a.add(&b);
  // Explicit call
  let result = Add::add(&a, &b);
  • Trait needs to be in scope.
  • Call just like a method.
  • Or by using the explicit associated function syntax.

Trait Bounds

fn add_values<T: Add>(this: &T,
                      other: &T) -> T {
// or, equivalently
fn add_values<T>(this: &T,
                 other: &T) -> T
  where T: Add
// or shorthand with `impl Trait`
fn add_values(this: &impl Add,
              other: &impl Add) -> impl Add
  • We’ve got a useful generic function!

  • English: “For all types T that implement the Add trait, we define…”

Limitations of Add

What happens if…

  • We want to add two values of different types?
  • Addition yields a different type?

Making Add Generic

Generalize on the input type O:

trait Add<O> {
    fn add(&self, other: &O) -> Self;

impl Add<u16> for u32 {
    fn add(&self, other: &u16) -> Self {
      *self + (*other as u32)

We can now add a u16 to a u32.

Defining Output of Add

  • Addition of two given types always yields one specific type of output.
  • Add associated type for addition output.


trait Add<O> {
  type Out;
  fn add(&self, other: &O) -> Self::Out;


impl Add<u16> for u32 {
  type Out = u64;

  fn add(&self, other: &u16) -> Self::Out) {
    *self as u64 + (*other as u64)

Trait std::ops::Add

The way std does it

pub trait Add<Rhs = Self> {
    type Output;

    fn add(self, rhs: Rhs) -> Self::Output;
  • Default type of Self for Rhs

Implementation of std::ops::Add

use std::ops::Add;
pub struct BigNumber(u64);

impl Add for BigNumber {
  type Output = Self;

  fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
      BigNumber(self.0 + rhs.0)

fn main() {
  // Call `Add::add`
  let res = BigNumber(1).add(BigNumber(2));

Quiz: What’s the type of res? BigNumber(u64)

Implementation std::ops::Add (2)

pub struct BigNumber(u64);

impl std::ops::Add<u32> for BigNumber {
  type Output = u128;

  fn add(self, rhs: u32) -> Self::Output {
      (self.0 as u128) + (rhs as u128)

fn main() {
  let res = BigNumber(1) + 3u32;

Quiz: What’s the type of res? u128

Type Parameter vs. Associated Type

Use Type Parameter

if trait can be implemented for many combinations of types

impl Add<u32> for u32 {/* */}
impl Add<i64> for u32 {/* */}

Use Associated Type

to define a type internal to the trait, which the implementer chooses:

impl Add<u32> for u32 {
  // Addition of two u32's is always u32
  type Out = u32;

Example - Associated Types

trait Distance {
    type Scalar;

    fn distance(&self, a: &Self::Scalar, b: &Self::Scalar) -> bool;
    fn first(&self) -> &Self::Scalar;
    fn last(&self) -> &Self::Scalar;

// Implement Distance for some types here ....
impl Distance for ...

// The caller specifying a bound does not need to
// specify the `Scalar`.
fn distance<T: Distance>(container: &T) -> bool {
    container.distance(container.first(), container.last())

If we would have chosen trait Distance<Scalar> instead, the type Scalar need to be provided everywhere its used.

Derive a Trait

#[derive(Clone, Debug)]
struct Dolly {
  num_legs: u32,

fn main() {
  let dolly = Dolly { num_legs: 4 };
  let second_dolly = dolly.clone();

  println!("Dolly: {:?}", second_dolly)
  • Some traits are trivial to implement.
  • Use #[derive(...)] to quickly implement a trait.
  • For Clone: derived impl calls clone on each field.
  • Debug: provide a debug implementation for string formatting.

Culprits with #[derive(Clone)]

struct NonClone{}

struct A<T> { a: Arc<T> }

fn main() {
  let a = A { a: Arc::new(NonClone{})};

Question: Does that compile?

Answer: No but it should.

  • #[derive(Clone)] de-sugars into impl<T> Clone for A<T> where T: Clone which adds a wrong and unnecessary bound T: Clone (maybe that changes in the future).

Orphan Rule

Coherence: There must be at most one implementation of a trait for any given type


Trait can be implemented for a type iff:

  • Either your crate (library) defines the trait
  • or your crate (library) defines the type
  • or both.

  • You cannot implement a foreign trait for a foreign type.

Compiling Generic Functions

impl Add for i32 {/* ... */}
impl Add for f32 {/* ... */}

fn add_values<T: Add>(a: &T, b: &T) -> T

fn main() {
  let sum_one = add_values(&6, &8);
  let sum_two = add_values(&6.5, &7.5);

Code is monomorphized:

  • Two versions of add_values end up in binary.
  • Optimized separately and very fast to run (static dispatch).
  • Slow to compile and larger binary.

Exercise Time (8)

Approx. Time: 40-50 min.

Do the following exercises:

  • generics: all


just build <exercise> --bin 01
just run <exercise> --bin 01
just test <exercise> --bin 01
just watch [build|run|test|watch] <exercise> --bin 01

Common Traits from std

Operator Overloading

std::ops::Add<T> et al.

  • Shared behavior
use std::ops::Add;
pub struct BigNumber(u64);

impl Add for BigNumber {
  type Output = Self;
  fn add(self, rhs: Self) -> Self::Output {
      BigNumber(self.0 + rhs.0)
fn main() {
  // Now we can use `+` to add `BigNumber`s!
  let res: BigNumber = BigNumber(1) + BigNumber(2);
  • Others: Mul, Div, Sub, ..



  • Marker traits
/// Types with a constant size known at compile time.
/// [...]
pub trait Sized { }
  • u32 is Sized
  • Slice [T], str is not Sized
  • Slice reference &[T], &str is Sized


  • Sync: Types of which references can be shared between threads.
  • Send: Types that can be transferred across thread boundaries.

Default Values


pub trait Default: Sized {
    fn default() -> Self;

#[derive(Default)] // Derive the trait
struct MyCounter {
  count: u32,

// Or, implement it (if you really need to)
impl Default for MyCounter {
  fn default() -> Self {
    MyCounter { count: 1 }


std::clone::Clone & std::marker::Copy

pub trait Clone: Sized {
    fn clone(&self) -> Self;

    fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self) {
      *self = source.clone()

pub trait Copy: Clone { } // That's it!
  • Both Copy and Clone can be #[derive]d.
  • Copy is a marker trait.
  • trait A: B == “Implementor of A must also implement B
  • clone_from has default implementation, can be overridden.


Into<T> & From<T>

pub trait From<T>: Sized {
    fn from(value: T) -> Self;

pub trait Into<T>: Sized {
    fn into(self) -> T;

impl <T, U> Into<U> for T
  where U: From<T>
    fn into(self) -> U {
  • Blanket implementation.
  • Prefer From over Into if orphan rule allows to.

Reference Conversion

AsRef<T> & AsMut<T>

pub trait AsRef<T: ?Sized>
    fn as_ref(&self) -> &T;

pub trait AsMut<T: ?Sized>
    fn as_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T;
  • Provide flexibility to API users.
  • T need not be Sized, e.g. slices [T] can implement AsRef<T>, AsMut<T>

Reference Conversion (2)

AsRef<T> & AsMut<T>

fn move_into_and_print<T: AsRef<[u8]>>(slice: T) {
  let bytes: &[u8] = slice.as_ref();
  for byte in bytes {
    print!("{:02X}", byte);

fn main() {
  let owned_bytes: Vec<u8> = vec![0xDE, 0xAD, 0xBE, 0xEF];

  let byte_slice: [u8; 4] = [0xFE, 0xED, 0xC0, 0xDE];

Have user of move_into_and_print choose between stack local [u8; N] and heap-allocated Vec<u8>

Destruction: std::ops::Drop

pub trait Drop {
    fn drop(&mut self);
  • Called when owner goes out of scope.


struct Inner;
struct Outer { inner: Inner }

impl Drop for Inner {
  fn drop(&mut self) {
    println!("Dropped inner");
impl Drop for Outer {
  fn drop(&mut self) {
    println!("Dropped outer");

fn main() {
  // Explicit drop
  std::mem::drop(Outer { inner: Inner });


Dropped outer
Dropped inner
  • Destructor runs before members are removed from stack.
  • Signature &mut prevents explicitly dropping self or its fields in destructor.
  • Compiler inserts std::mem::drop call at end of scope
// Implementation of `std::mem::drop`
fn drop<T>(_x: T) {}

Question: Why does std::mem::drop work?

More Std-Traits

There is more:

Std-Traits and the Orphan Rule

When you provide a type, always implement (or derive) the basic traits from the standard if they are appropriate, e.g. (> implies priority)

  • Default : Initialize the type with default values.
  • Debug > Display : Format trait for debug specifier {:?} or non-debug with with {}.
  • Clone: Cloning the type or bitwise copy.
  • PartialEq > PartialOrd (and maybe Eq > Ord).
  • Hash: To store the type in HashMap etc.
  • Copy: Only implement marker-trait Copy if you really need to.

Other traits for later:

  • Send : Auto trait: A value T can safely be send across thread boundary.
  • Sync : Auto trait: A value T can safely be shared between threads.
  • Sized : Marker trait to denote that type T is known at compile time

Exercise Time (9)

Approx. Time: 40-50 min.

Do the following exercises:

  • traits
  • std-traits
  • blanket-implementation
  • drop-with-errors
  • extension-traits: a very good one (moderate to hard)!
  • local-storage-vec: ⚠️ Hardcore exercise (spare for later)


just build <exercise> --bin 01
just run <exercise> --bin 01
just test <exercise> --bin 01
just watch [build|run|test|watch] <exercise> --bin 01

Lifetime Annotations

What Lifetime?

  • References refer to variables (stack-allocated memory).

  • A variable has a lifetime:

    • Starts at declaration.
    • Ends at drop.
  • The barrow checker prevents dangling references (pointing to deallocated/invalid memory 💣).

Example - Lifetime Scopes

fn main() {
    let r;

        let x = 5;
        r = &x;

    println!("r: {r}");

Question: Will this compile?

Example - Lifetime Scopes (2)

Variable r lives for lifetime 'a and x for 'b.

fn main() {
    let r;                // ---------+- 'a
                          //          |
    {                     //          |
        let x = 5;        // -+-- 'b  |
        r = &x;           //  |       |
    }                     // -+       |
                          //          |
    println!("r: {r}");   //          |
}                         // ---------+

Answer: No, r points to x which is dropped in L6.

Example - Lifetime in Function (1)

Question: Will this compile?

/// Return reference to longest of `a` or `b`.
fn longer(a: &str, b: &str) -> &str {
    if a.len() > b.len() {
    } else {

Example - Lifetime in Function (2)

Answer: No. rustc needs to know more about a and b.

/// Return reference to longest
/// of `a` and `b`.
fn longer(a: &str, b: &str) -> &str {
  if a.len() > b.len() {
  } else {
error[E0106]: missing lifetime specifier
 --> src/
2 | fn longer(a: &str, b: &str) -> &str {
  |              ----     ----     ^
  | expected named lifetime parameter
  = help: this function's return type contains
    a borrowed value, but the signature does
    not say whether it is borrowed from `a` or `b`
help: consider introducing a named lifetime parameter
2 | fn longer<'a>(a: &'a str, b: &'a str) -> &'a str {
  |          ++++     ++          ++          ++

For more information about this error,
try `rustc --explain E0106`.

Lifetime Annotations

Solution: Provide a constraint with a lifetime parameter 'l:

fn longer<'l>(a: &'l str, b: &'l str) -> &'l str {
    if a.len() > b.len() {
    } else {


  • Given a lifetime called 'l,
  • longer takes two references a and b
  • that live for >= 'l
  • and returns a reference that lives for 'l.

Annotations do NOT change the lifetime of variables. Their scopes do.
Annotations are constraints to provide information to the borrow checker.

Validating Boundaries

  • Lifetime validation is done within function boundaries (and scopes e.g. {...}).
  • No information of calling context is used.

Question: Why no calling context?

Answer: Because its only important to know the lifetime relation between input & output - the constraint.

Example - Validating Boundaries

fn main() {
  let x = 3;                       // ------------+- 'a
  {                                //                 |
    let y = 10;                    // ------+--- 'b   |
    let r: &i64 = longest(&x, &y); // --+- 'c     |   |  'l := min('a,'b) => 'l := 'b
    println!("longest: {r}")       //   |         |   |
  }                                // --+---------+   |
}                                  // ----------------+

Borrow checker checks if r’s lifetime fulfills <= 'b'c <= 'b  ✅.

Lifetime Annotations in Types

If references are used in structs, it needs a life-time annotation:

/// A struct that contains a reference.
pub struct ContainsRef<'r> {
  ref: &'r i64


  • Given an instance let x: A = ..., than constraint lifetime(x.ref) >= lifetime(x) must hold.

Lifetime Elision

Question: “Why haven’t I come across this before?”

Answer: “Because of lifetime elision!”

Lifetime Elision

Rust compiler has heuristics for eliding lifetime bounds:

  • Each elided lifetime in input position becomes a distinct lifetime parameter.

    fn print(a: &str, b: &str)
    fn print(a: &'l1 str, b: &'l2 str)
  • If exactly one input lifetime position (elided or annotated), that lifetime is assigned to all elided output lifetimes.

    fn print(a: &str) -> (&str, &str)
    fn print(a: &'l1 str) -> (&'l1 str, &'l1 str)
  • If multiple input lifetime positions, but one of them is &self or &mut self, the lifetime of self is assigned to all elided output lifetimes.

    fn print(&self, a: &str) -> &str
    fn print(&self: &'l1 str, a: &'l2 str) -> &'l1 str
  • Otherwise, annotations are needed to satisfy compiler.

Lifetime Elision Examples

fn print(s: &str);                                      // elided
fn print<'a>(s: &'a str);                               // expanded

fn debug(lvl: usize, s: &str);                          // elided
fn debug<'a>(lvl: usize, s: &'a str);                   // expanded

fn substr(s: &str, until: usize) -> &str;               // elided
fn substr<'a>(s: &'a str, until: usize) -> &'a str;     // expanded

fn get_str() -> &str;                                   // ILLEGAL (why?)

fn frob(s: &str, t: &str) -> &str;                      // ILLEGAL (why?)

fn get_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T;                        // elided
fn get_mut<'a>(&'a mut self) -> &'a mut T;              // expanded

Exercise Time

Approx. Time: 15-30 min.

Do the following exercises:

  • lifetimes: all


just build <exercise> --bin 01
just run <exercise> --bin 01
just test <exercise> --bin 01
just watch [build|run|test|watch] <exercise> --bin 01



fn main() {
    let z = 42;
    let compute = move |x, y| x + y + z; // Whats the type of this?

    let res = compute(1, 2);
  • Closures or lambda expressions are anonymous (unnamed) functions.
  • They can capture (“close over”) values in their scope.
  • They are first-class values.
  • They implement special traits: Fn, FnMut and FnOnce.

What is a Closure?

The closure |x: i32| x * x can mechanistically be mapped to the following struct

struct SquareFunc {}

impl SquareFunc {
  fn call(&self, x: i32) {
    x * x

❗The “struct with fields” is a mental model how |x: i32| x * x is mechanistically implemented by the compiler.

What is a Fn Closure?

For a closure which captures (“closes-over”) variables from the environment:

let z = 43;
let square_it = |x| x * x + z;  // => Fn(i32) -> i32     (LSP)
                                // compiler opaque type: approx `SquareIt`.

approx. maps to:

struct SquareIt<'a> {
  z: &'a i32;

impl SquareIt {
  fn call(&self, x: i32) {
    x * x + self.z
let z = 43;
let square_it = SquareIt{z: &z};;

❗The closure by default captures by reference.

What is a FnMut Closure?

A closure with some mutable state:

fn main() {
  let mut total: i32 = 0;

  let mut square_it = |x| {
      // => FnMut(i32) -> i32  (LSP)
      total += x * x;
      x * x

  assert_eq!(100, total);

approx. maps to:

struct SquareIt<'a>' {
  total: &'a mut i32

impl SquareIt {
  fn call(&mut self, x: i32) { += x * x;
    x * x

Capture by Value

Capture by value with move:

fn main() {
  let mut total: i32 = 0; // Why `mut` here?

  let mut square_it = move |x| {
      // => FnMut(i32) -> i32  (LSP)
      total += x * x;
      x + x

  assert_eq!(0, total)

approx. maps to:

struct SquareIt {
  total: i32

impl SquareIt {
  fn call(&mut self, x: i32) { += x * x;
    x * x

Example - Quiz

Does it compile? Does it run without panic?

fn main() {
    let mut total: i32 = 0;

    let mut square_it = |x| { // => FnMut(i32) -> i32
        total += x * x;
        x * x
    total = -1;

    assert_eq!(-1, total)

Answer: It does not compile as total is mut. borrowed on L8.
Move square_it before total = -1.

Closure Traits

Fn, FnMut and FnOnce are traits which implement different behaviors for closures. The compiler implements the appropriate ones!

  • Fn: closures that can be
    • called multiple times concurrently
    • borrowed immutable.
  • FnMut: closures that can be
    • called multiple times not concurrently
    • borrowed mutable.
  • FnOnce: closures that can be
    • called once, it takes ownership of self.

All closure implement at least FnOnce.

Quiz - What is it?

let mut s = String::from("foo");
let t     = String::from("bar");

let func = || {
    s += &t;

Question: Whats the type of func?

Answer: Its only FnOnce() -> String, the compiler deduced that from the function body and return type.

The mental model is approx. this:

struct Closure<'a> {
    s : String,
    t : &'a String,

impl<'a> FnOnce<()> for Closure<'a> {
    type Output = String;
    fn call_once(self) -> String {
        self.s += &*self.t;

Closure and Functional Programming

Useful when working with iterators, Option and Result:

let numbers = vec![1, 3, 4, 10, 29];

let evens: Vec<_> = numbers.into_iter()
                           .filter(|x| x % 2 == 0)

Closures and Functional Programming (2)

Useful when generalizing interfaces, e.g. visitor pattern

struct Graph{ nodes: Vec<i32>; };

impl Graph {

  fn visit(&self, visitor: impl FnOnce(i32)) {
    // Remember: All closure at least implement `FnOnce`.
    for n in self.nodes {
      visitor(n) // Call visitor function for each node.


Exercise Time (10)

Approx. Time: 20-60 min.

Do the following exercises:

  • closures: all


just build <exercise> --bin 01
just run <exercise> --bin 01
just test <exercise> --bin 01
just watch [build|run|test|watch] <exercise> --bin 01

Recap 2

Recap 2 - Closures

fn main() {
    let numbers = vec![1, 2, 5, 9];
    let smaller_than_5 = |x: i32| -> bool { x < 5 };

    let res = filter(&numbers, smaller_than_5);

    print!("Result: {res:?}")
  • Question: What is the type of smaller_than_9?
  • Question: How to write filter to be most generic.

Trait Objects & Dynamic Dispatch

Trait… Object?

  • We learned about traits.
  • We learned about generics and monomorphization.

There’s more to this story though…

Question: What was monomorphization again?

Static Dispatch: Monomorphization (recap)

The Add trait.

impl Add for i32 {/* ... */}
impl Add for f32 {/* ... */}

fn add_values<T: Add>(l: &T, r: &T) -> T

fn main() {
  let sum_one = add_values(&6, &8);
  let sum_two = add_values(&6.5, &7.5);

Code is monomorphized:

  • Two versions of add_values end up in binary.
  • Optimized separately and very fast to run (static dispatch).
  • Slow to compile and larger binary.

Dynamic Dispatch

What if don’t know the concrete type implementing the trait at compile time?

use std::io::Write;
use std::path::PathBuf;

struct FileLogger { log_file: PathBuf }
impl Write for FileLogger { /* ... */}

struct StdOutLogger;
impl Write for StdOutLogger { /* ... */}

fn log<L: Write>(logger: &mut L, msg: &str) {
  write!(logger, "{}", msg);
fn main() {
  let file: Option<PathBuf> = // args parsing...

  let mut logger = match file {
      Some(f) => FileLogger { log_file: f },
      None => StdOutLogger,

  log(&mut logger, "Hello, world!🦀");


error[E0308]: `match` arms have incompatible types
  --> src/
17 |       let mut logger = match log_file {
   |  ______________________-
18 | |         Some(log_file) => FileLogger { log_file },
   | |                           -----------------------
   | |                           this is found to be of
   | |                           type `FileLogger`
19 | |         None => StdOutLogger,
   | |                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ expected struct `FileLogger`,
   | |                              found struct `StdOutLogger`
20 | |     };
   | |_____- `match` arms have incompatible types

What’s the type of logger?

Heterogeneous Collections

What if we want to create collections of different types implementing the same trait?

trait Render {
  fn paint(&self);

struct Circle;
impl Render for Circle {
  fn paint(&self) { /* ... */ }

struct Rectangle;
impl Render for Rectangle {
  fn paint(&self) { /* ... */ }
fn main() {
  let circle = Circle{};
  let rect = Rectangle{};

  let mut shapes = Vec::new();

        .for_each(|s| s.paint());

Error Again!

   Compiling playground v0.0.1 (/playground)
error[E0308]: mismatched types
  --> src/
20 |     shapes.push(rect);
   |            ---- ^^^^ expected struct `Circle`,
   |                      found struct `Rectangle`
   |            |
   |            arguments to this method are incorrect
note: associated function defined here
  --> /rustc/2c8cc343237b8f7d5a3c3703e3a87f2eb2c54a74/library/alloc/src/vec/

For more information about this error, try `rustc --explain E0308`.
error: could not compile `playground` due to previous error

What is the type of shapes?

Dynamically Sized Types (DST)

Rust supports Dynamically Sized Types (DSTs): types without a statically known size or alignment.

On the surface, this is a bit nonsensical: rustc always needs to know the size and alignment to compile code!

  • Sized is a marker trait for types with know-size at compile time.

  • Types in Rust can be Sized or !Sized (unsized  DSTs).

Examples of Sized vs. !Sized

  • Most types are Sized, and automatically marked as such

    • i64
    • String
    • Vec<String>
    • etc.
  • Two major DSTs (!Sized) exposed by the language (note the absence of a reference!):

    • Trait Objects: dyn MyTrait (covered in the next section)
    • Slices: [T], str, and others.
  • DSTs can be only be used (local variable) through a reference: &[T], &str, &dyn MyTrait (references are Sized).

Trait Objects dyn Trait

  • Opaque type that implements a set of traits.

    Type Description: dyn MyTrait: !Sized

  • Like slices, trait objects always live behind pointers (&dyn MyTrait, &mut dyn MyTrait, Box<dyn MyTrait>, ...).

  • Concrete underlying types are erased from trait object.

fn main() {
  let log_file: Option<PathBuf> = // ...

  // Create a trait object that implements `Write`
  let logger: &mut dyn Write = match log_file {
    Some(log_file) => &mut FileLogger { log_file },
    None => &mut StdOutLogger,

Quiz - Instantiate a Trait?

struct A{}
trait MyTrait { fn show(&self) {}; }
impl MyTrait for A {}

fn main() {
  let a: MyTrait = A{};
  let b: dyn MyTrait = A{};

Question: Does that compile?

Answer: No! - It’s invalid code.

  • You can’t declare a local variable a, MyTrait is not a type.
  • You can’t declare b as dyn MyTrait, because for the type system its !Sizedcan’t compute size of memory of b on the stack.
  • Also: You can’t pass the value of an unsized type into a function as an argument or return it from a function.

Generics and Sized : How?

  • Given a concrete type you can always say if its Sized or !Sized (DST).

  • Whats with generics?

fn generic_fn<T: Eq>(x: T) -> T { /*..*/ }
  • If T is Sized, all is OK!.

  • If T is !Sized, then the definition of generic_fn is incorrect! (why?)

Generics and Sized

  • All generic type parameters are implicitly Sized by default (everywhere structs, fns etc.):

    For example:

    fn generic_fn<T: Eq + Sized>(x: T) -> T { // Sized is obsolete here.


    fn generic_fn<T>(x: &T) -> u32
        T: Eq + Sized // Sized is obsolete here.
      // ...

Generics and ?Sized

Sometimes we want to opt-out of Sized: use ?Sized:

fn generic_fn<T: Eq + ?Sized>(x: &T) -> u32 { ... }
  • In English: ?Sized means T also allows for dyn. sized types (DST)  e.g. T := dyn Eq.

  • So a x: &dyn Eq is a reference to a trait object which implements Eq.

Generics and ?Sized - Quiz

Does that compile? Why?/Why not?

fn generic_fn<T: Eq + ?Sized>(x: &T) -> u32 { 42 }

fn main() {
  generic_fn("hello world")`

Answer: generic_fn is instantiated with &str:

  •  match &T <-> &str
  • T := str
  • x: &str which is Sized
  •  ✅ Yes it compiles.

Generics and ?Sized - Quiz

Does that compile? Why?/Why not?

// removed the reference ------- v
fn generic_fn<T: Eq + ?Sized>(x: T) -> u32 { 42 }

fn main() {
  generic_fn("hello world");

Answer: ❌ No - declaration generic_fn is invalid (line 5 is not the problem!):

  • T can potentially be dyn Eq  leads to x: dyn Eq which is not Sized  compile error.
  • Remember: function parameter go onto the stack!

Generics and ?Sized - Quiz (Tip)

How to print the type T?

fn generic_fn<T: Eq>(x: T) -> u32 {

fn main() {
    generic_fn("hello world");
fn generic_fn<T: Eq + std::fmt::Display>(x: T) -> u32 {
      "x: {} = '{x}'",


fn main() {
    generic_fn("hello world");
x: &str = 'hello world'

Dynamic Dispatch on the Heap (idiomatic)

/// Same code as last slide
fn main() {
  let log_file: Option<PathBuf> = //...

  // Create a trait object on heap that impl. `Write`
  let logger: Box<dyn Write> = match log_file {
    Some(log_file) => Box::new(FileLogger{log_file}),
    None => Box::new(StdOutLogger),

  log("Hello, world!🦀", &mut logger);

  • 💸 Cost: pointer indirection via vtable (dynamic dispatch)  less performant.
  • 💰 Benefit: no monomorphization (no generics)  smaller binary & shorter compile time!
  • 💻 Memory: logger is a smart-pointer where the data and vtable is on the heap (dyn. mem. allocation  🐌, this is fine 99% time)

Dynamic Dispatch on the Stack (esoteric)

/// Same code as last slide
fn main() {
  let log_file: Option<PathBuf> = //...

  // Create a trait object that implements `Write`
  let logger: &mut dyn Write = match log_file {
    Some(log_file) => &mut FileLogger{log_file},
    None => &mut StdOutLogger,

  log(&mut logger, "Hello World!");

  • 💸 Cost: same as before.
  • 💰 Benefit: same as before.
  • 💻 Memory: logger is a wide-pointer which lives only on the stack  🚀.

Fixing Dynamic Logger

  • Trait objects &dyn Trait, Box<dyn Trait>, … implement Trait!
// L no longer must be `Sized`, so to accept trait objects.
fn log<L: Write + ?Sized>(entry: &str, logger: &mut L) {
    write!(logger, "{}", entry);

fn main() {
    let log_file: Option<PathBuf> = // ...

    // Create a trait object that implements `Write`
    let logger: &mut dyn Write = match log_file {
        Some(log_file) => &mut FileLogger { log_file },
        None => &mut StdOutLogger,
    log("Hello, world!🦀", logger);

And all is well! Live Stack Dyn. Dispatch, Live Heap Dyn. Dispatch.

Forcing Dynamic Dispatch

If one wants to enforce API users to use dynamic dispatch, use &mut dyn Write on log:

fn log(entry: &str, logger: &mut dyn Write) {
    write!(logger, "{}", entry);

fn main() {
    let log_file: Option<PathBuf> = // ...

    // Create a trait object that implements `Write`
    let logger: &mut dyn Write = match log_file {
        Some(log_file) => &mut FileLogger { log_file },
        None => &mut StdOutLogger,

    log("Hello, world!🦀", &mut logger);

Heterogeneous Collection on the Heap

fn main() {
  let mut shapes = Vec::new();

  let circle = Circle;

  let rect = Rectangle;

        .for_each(|s| s.paint());
fn main() {
  let mut shapes: Vec<Box<dyn Render>>
    = Vec::new();

  let circle = Box::new(Circle);

  let rect = Box::new(Rectangle);

        .for_each(|s| s.paint());

All set!

Heterogeneous Collection on the Stack 🍭

fn main() {
    let shapes: [&dyn Render; 2] = [&Circle {}, &Rectangle {}];
    shapes.iter().for_each(|shape| shape.paint());

All set!

Trait Object Limitations

  • Pointer indirection cost.

  • Harder to debug.

  • Type erasure (you need a trait).

  • Not all traits work:

    Traits need to be dyn-compatible

Static Dispatch or Dynamic Dispatch?

When to use what is rarely a clear-cut, but broadly

  • In libraries: use static dispatch for the user to decide if they want to pass

    • a let d: &dyn MyTrait for a signature fn lib_func(s: impl MyTrait + ?Sized),
    • or a concrete type A which implements Trait.
  • For binaries: you are writing final code  use dynamic dispatch (no generics)  cleaner and faster compilable code with only marginal performance cost.

Static Dispatch or Dynamic Dispatch?

When to use what is rarely a clear-cut, but broadly

  • In libraries, use static dispatch for the user to decide if they want to pass

    • a let d: &dyn MyTrait for a signature fn lib_func(s: impl MyTrait + ?Sized).
    • or a concrete type A which implements Trait.
  • For binaries, you are writing final code, and using dynamic dispatch (no generics) gives cleaner code, faster compile.

Dyn-Compatible Trait

A trait is dyn-compatible (formerly object safe) when it fulfills:

  • Trait T must not be Sized: Why?
  • If trait T: Y, thenY must be dyn-compatible.
  • No associated constants allowed.
  • No associated types with generic allowed.
  • All associated functions must either be dispatchable from a trait object, or explicitly non-dispatchable:
    • e.g. function must have a receiver with a reference to Self

Details in The Rust Reference. Read them!

These seem to be compiler limitations.

Non Dyn-Compatible Trait (😱)

trait Fruit {
  fn create(&self) -> Self;
  fn show(&self) -> String;

struct Banana { color: i32 }

impl Fruit for Banana {
  fn create(&self) -> Self { Banana {} }

  fn show(&self) -> String {
      return format!("banana: color {}", self.color).to_string();

fn main() {
    let obj: Box<dyn Fruit> = Box::new(Banana { color: 10 });
    println!("type: {}",

Non Dyn-Compatible Trait (💩)

error[E0038]: the trait `Fruit` cannot be made into an object

18 |     println!("type: {}",
   |                          ^^^^^^^^^^ `Fruit` cannot be made into an object

note: for a trait to be "dyn-compatible" it needs to
      allow building a vtable to allow the call to be
      resolvable dynamically; for more information
      visit <>

1  | trait Fruit {
   |       ----- this trait cannot be made into an object...
2  |   fn create(&self) -> Self;
   |                       ^^^^ ...because method `create` references
                                the `Self` type in its return type

Trait Object Summary

  • Trait objects allow for dynamic dispatch and heterogeneous containers.
  • Trait objects introduce pointer indirection.
  • Traits need to be dyn-compatible to make trait objects out of them.