Create and modify a MODO#

A MODO is a digital object to store, share and access omics data (genomics, transcriptomics, proteomics and metabolomics) and their metadata. Each MODO consists of a unique id, a creation and an update timestamp and some further optional metadata. Elements such as data entities, samples, assays and reference genomes can be linked and added to a MODO. The full data model can be found at modos-schema.

Generate a MODO from scratch#

Create the object#

To create a new MODO you only need to specify the path where you want to generate the object. This will automatically generate a new zarr group at the specified path. If not specified explicitly the MODO id will be set to the path name.

from modos.api import MODO
modo = MODO(path = "data/ex")
# <modos.api.MODO object at 0x7df3131cb670>
modos create data/ex


If the specified path refers to an existing MODO, the existing object will be loaded instead of creating a new object and overwriting the existing object. Check update for details on how to update metadata of an existing MODO.


The specified path can not point to an existing object other than a MODO or the command will fail.

Add elements to the object#

To add omics data entities or further metadata to the object, you can add elements to the MODO. There are 4 different element types, that can be added:

  • sample

  • assay

  • data

  • reference

An element of the type data can be a DataEntity or further spefied as an AlignmentSet, an Array, a VariantSet.

from modos.api import MODO
import modos_schema.datamodel as model

# Load modo (see above)
modo = MODO(path = "data/ex")

# Generate a data element
data = model.DataEntity(id="genomics1", name= "demo_genomics", description = "A tiny cram file for demos", data_format="CRAM", data_path = "/internal/path/to/store/cram_file")

# Add element to modo
modo.add_element(element = data, data_file="path/to/cram_file.cram")
modos add --data-file path/to/cram_file.cram data/ex data


To specify a file that should be associated with this object the data-file option can be used. In addition elements can be linked with each other, e.g. a VariantSet to a ReferenceGenome or a DataEntity to a Sample by using the parent/part-of option.


Files associated through the data-file option will be copied into the MODO at the path specified in the data_path attribute. For large files this can take some time.

Generate a MODO from (yaml-)file#

Alternatively, a MODO and all associated elements can be specified in a yaml-file, such as the following example.yaml:

# An example yaml file to generate a MODO.

- id: ex
  "@type": MODO
  description: "Example modo for tests"
  creation_date: "2024-01-17T00:00:00"
  last_update_date: "2024-01-17T00:00:00"
  has_assay: assay1

- id: assay1
  "@type": Assay
  name: Assay 1
  description: Example assay for tests
  has_sample: sample1
  omics_type: GENOMICS

- id: demo1
  "@type": DataEntity
  name: Demo 1
  description: Demo CRAM file for tests.
  data_format: CRAM
  data_path: data/ex/demo1.cram
  has_reference: reference1

- id: reference1
  "@type": ReferenceGenome
  name: Reference 1
  data_path: data/ex/reference.fa

- id: sample1
  "@type": Sample
  name: Sample 1
  description: An example sample for tests.
  collector: Foo university
  sex: Male

All valid element types, their fields and potential links can be found in the modos-schema.

Using this example.yaml a MODO and all specified associated elements can be generated in one command:

from import build_modo_from_file
modo = build_modo_from_file(path = "path/to/example.yaml", object_directory = "data/ex")
modos create --from-file "path/to/example.yaml" data/ex

Update or remove a MODO element#

All elements of a MODO can be added (see Add elements to the object) or removed at any timepoint using the element id:

# Remove an associated element
modos remove data/ex /data/genomics

To update an existing element a new entity of the same type can be provided:

import modos_schema.datamodel as model

# Generate the data element from above with a change in name
# Fields that are not changed will be kept
data = model.DataEntity(id="genomics1", name="genomics_example", data_format="CRAM", data_path = "/internal/path/to/store/cram_file")

# Add element to modo
modo.add_element(element = data, data_file="path/to/cram_file.cram")