
MODO can be used as command-line tool or python module.

First install modos using pip or use docker to run modos within a container:

pip install git+https://github.com/sdsc-ordes/modos-api.git@main
docker pull ghcr.io/sdsc-ordes/modos-api:latest

Next, you can use the modo-cli to build a new multiomics digital object (modo) with the id ex:


You will be prompted to complete further modo metadata information. This command will generate the modo object in the current working directory. Use a relative path, if you want to store your object at a specific location, e.g. modos create data/ex

modos create ex
docker run -itv "${PWD}:/modo" ghcr.io/sdsc-ordes/modos-api:latest modos create modo/ex

To check further commands e.g. to add omics elements or interact use:

modos --help
docker run ghcr.io/sdsc-ordes/modos-api:latest --help