Source code for modos.api

from __future__ import annotations
from datetime import date
import json
import os
from pathlib import Path
import sys
from typing import Any, List, Optional, Union, Iterator
import yaml

from linkml_runtime.dumpers import json_dumper
import rdflib
import modos_schema.datamodel as model
import numcodecs
from pydantic import HttpUrl
from pysam import AlignedSegment, VariantRecord
import zarr.hierarchy
import zarr

from modos.rdf import attrs_to_graph
from import (
from modos.helpers.schema import (
from modos.genomics.formats import get_index, read_pysam
from modos.genomics.htsget import HtsgetConnection
from modos.genomics.region import Region
from import extract_metadata, parse_attributes
from modos.remote import EndpointManager, is_s3_path

[docs] class MODO: """Multi-Omics Digital Object A digital archive containing several multi-omics data and records connected by zarr-backed metadata. Parameters ---------- path Path to the archive directory. id MODO identifier. Defaults to the directory name. name Human-readable name. description Human readable description. creation_date When the MODO was created. last_update_date When the MODO was last updated. has_assay Existing assay identifiers to attach to MODO. source_uri URI of the source data. endpoint URL to the modos server. s3_kwargs Keyword arguments for the S3 storage. services Optional dictionary of service endpoints. Attributes ---------- storage: Storage Storage backend for the archive. endpoint: EndpointManager Server endpoint manager. Examples -------- >>> demo = MODO("data/ex") # List identifiers of samples in the archive >>> demo.list_samples() ['sample/sample1'] # List files in the archive >>> files = [str(x) for x in demo.list_files()] >>> assert 'data/ex/demo1.cram' in files >>> assert 'data/ex/reference.fa' in files """ def __init__( self, path: Union[Path, str], id: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, creation_date: date =, last_update_date: date =, has_assay: List = [], source_uri: Optional[str] = None, endpoint: Optional[HttpUrl] = None, s3_kwargs: Optional[dict[str, Any]] = None, services: Optional[dict[str, HttpUrl]] = None, ):
[docs] self.endpoint = EndpointManager(endpoint, services or {})
if is_s3_path(str(path)): if not self.endpoint.s3: raise ValueError("S3 path requires an endpoint.") print( f"INFO: Using remote endpoint {endpoint} for {path}.", file=sys.stderr, ) = S3Storage(str(path), self.endpoint.s3, s3_kwargs) else: # log to stderr print(f"INFO: Using local storage for {path}.", file=sys.stderr) = LocalStorage(Path(path)) # Opening existing object if = id or fields = { "@type": "MODO", "id":, "creation_date": str(creation_date), "last_update_date": str(last_update_date), "name": name, "description": description, "has_assay": has_assay, "source_uri": source_uri, } for key, val in fields.items(): if val: self.zarr["/"].attrs[key] = val zarr.consolidate_metadata( @property
[docs] def zarr(self) -> zarr.hierarchy.Group: return
[docs] def path(self) -> Path: return
[docs] def metadata(self) -> dict: # Auto refresh metadata to match data before reading zarr.consolidate_metadata( root = zarr.convenience.open_consolidated( if isinstance(root, zarr.core.Array): raise ValueError("Root must be a group. Empty archive?") # Get flat dictionary with all attrs, easier to search group_attrs = dict() # Document object itself root_id = root["/"].attrs["id"] group_attrs[root_id] = dict(root["/"].attrs) for subgroup in root.groups(): group_type = subgroup[0] for name, value in list_zarr_items(subgroup[1]): group_attrs[f"{group_type}/{name}"] = dict(value.attrs) return group_attrs
[docs] def knowledge_graph( self, uri_prefix: Optional[str] = None ) -> rdflib.Graph: """Return an RDF graph of the metadata. All identifiers are converted to valid URIs if needed.""" if uri_prefix is None: uri_prefix = f"file://{}/" kg = attrs_to_graph(self.metadata, uri_prefix=uri_prefix) return kg
[docs] def show_contents(self, element: Optional[str] = None) -> str: """Produces a YAML document of the object's contents. Parameters ---------- element: Element, or group of elements (e.g. data or data/element_id) to show. If not provided, shows the metadata of the entire MODO. """ meta = self.metadata if element in meta: data = meta[element] elif element in {g[0] for g in self.zarr.groups()}: data = {k: meta[k] for k in meta if k.startswith(element)} else: data = meta # Pretty print metadata contents as yaml return yaml.dump(data, sort_keys=False)
[docs] def list_files(self) -> List[Path]: """Lists files in the archive recursively (except for the zarr file).""" return [fi for fi in]
[docs] def list_arrays( self, element: Optional[str] = None ) -> zarr.hierarchy.TreeViewer: """Views arrays in the archive recursively. Parameters ---------- element: Element, or group of elements (e.g. data or data/element_id) to show. If not provided, shows the metadata of the entire MODO. """ root = zarr.convenience.open_consolidated( return root[element or "/"].tree()
[docs] def query(self, query: str): """Use SPARQL to query the metadata graph""" return self.knowledge_graph().query(query)
[docs] def list_samples(self): """Lists samples in the archive.""" res = self.query("SELECT ?s WHERE { ?s a modos:Sample }") samples = [] for row in res: for val in row: samples.append( str(val).removeprefix(f"file://{}/") ) return samples
[docs] def update_date(self, date: date = """update last_update_date attribute""" self.zarr.attrs.update(last_update_date=str(date))
[docs] def remove_element(self, element_id: str): """Remove an element from the archive, along with any files directly attached to it and links from other elements to it. """ try: attrs = self.zarr[element_id].attrs except KeyError as err: keys = [] self.zarr.visit(lambda k: keys.append(k)) print(f"Element {element_id} not found in the archive.") print(f"Available elements are {keys}") raise err # Remove data file if "data_path" in attrs.keys(): data_file = self.path / attrs["data_path"] # Remove element group del self.zarr[element_id] # Remove links from other elements for elem, attrs in self.metadata.items(): for key, value in attrs.items(): if value == element_id: del self.zarr[elem].attrs[key] elif isinstance(value, list) and element_id in value: self.zarr[elem].attrs[key] = value.remove(element_id) self.update_date() zarr.consolidate_metadata(
[docs] def remove_object(self): """Remove the complete modo object""" for fi in self.list_files(): # NOTE: Locally remove the empty directory (does not affect remote). if self.path.exists(): os.rmdir(self.path) print(f"INFO: Permanently deleted {self.path}.")
[docs] def add_element( self, element: ( model.DataEntity | model.Sample | model.Assay | model.ReferenceGenome ), source_file: Optional[Path] = None, part_of: Optional[str] = None, ): """Add an element to the archive. If a data file is provided, it will be added to the archive. If the element is part of another element, the parent metadata will be updated. Parameters ---------- element Element to add to the archive. source_file File to associate with the element. part_of Id of the parent element. It must be scoped to the type. For example "sample/foo". """ self._add_any_element( element, source_file, part_of, allowed_elements=UserElementType )
[docs] def _add_any_element( self, element: ( model.DataEntity | model.Sample | model.Assay | model.ReferenceSequence | model.ReferenceGenome ), source_file: Optional[Path] = None, part_of: Optional[str] = None, allowed_elements: type = ElementType, ): """Add an element of any type to the storage. This is meant to be called internally to add elements automatically.""" # Check that ID does not exist in modo if in [Path(id).name for id in self.metadata.keys()]: raise ValueError( f"Please specify a unique ID. Element with ID {} already exist." ) # Copy data file to storage if source_file: # NOTE: Keep this for compatibility until ReferenceGenomes are handeled by refget if isinstance(element, model.ReferenceGenome): source_path = Path(source_file) target_path = Path(element._get("data_path")), target_path) # Add data_checksum attribute if isinstance(element, model.DataEntity): new_data = DataElement(element) new_data.process_and_store(, Path(source_file)) # Infer type type_name = allowed_elements.from_object(element).value type_group = self.zarr[type_name] element_path = f"{type_name}/{}" if part_of is not None: partof_group = self.zarr[part_of] set_haspart_relationship( element.__class__.__name__, element_path, partof_group ) # Update haspart relationship element = update_haspart_id(element) # Add element to metadata attrs = json.loads(json_dumper.dumps(element)) add_metadata_group(type_group, attrs) self.update_date() zarr.consolidate_metadata(
[docs] def update_element( self, element_id: str, new: model.DataEntity | model.Sample | model.Assay | model.MODO, source_file: Optional[Path] = None, part_of: Optional[str] = None, allowed_elements: type = UserElementType, ): """Update element metadata in place by adding new values from model object. Parameters ----------------- element_id Full id path in the zarr store. new Element containing the enriched metadata. """ attrs = self.zarr[element_id].attrs attr_dict = attrs.asdict() if not isinstance(new, class_from_name(attr_dict.get("@type"))): raise ValueError( f"Class {attr_dict['@type']} of {element_id} does not match {new.class_name}." ) if isinstance(new, model.DataEntity): new_data = DataElement(new) old_path = attr_dict.get("data_path") # path changed in metadata -> move file inside modos if new_data.model._get("data_path") != old_path: new_data.process_and_store(, Path(old_path)) # new input file provided -> replace file content if source_file: new_data.process_and_store(, Path(source_file)) type_name = allowed_elements.from_object(new).value element_path = f"{type_name}/{}" if part_of is not None: partof_group = self.zarr[part_of] set_haspart_relationship( new.__class__.__name__, element_path, partof_group ) new = update_haspart_id(new) new = json.loads(json_dumper.dumps(new)) # in the zarr store, empty properties are not stored # in the linkml model, they present as empty lists/None. new_items = { field: value for field, value in new.items() if (field, value) not in attrs.items() and field != "id" and value is not None and value != [] } if not len(new_items): return attrs.update(**new_items) self.update_date()
[docs] def enrich_metadata(self): """Enrich MODO metadata in place using content from associated data files.""" # TODO: match using id instead of names -> safer # NOTE: will require handling type prefix. inst_names = { inst["name"]: id for id, inst in self.metadata.items() if "name" in inst } for id, entity in self.metadata.items(): if entity.get("@type") != "DataEntity": continue try: data_inst = dict_to_instance(entity | {"id": id}) extracted = extract_metadata(data_inst, self.path) # skip entities whose format does not support enrich except NotImplementedError: continue new_elements = [] for ele in extracted.elements: if in inst_names: self.update_element(inst_names[], ele) elif ele not in new_elements: new_elements.append(ele) self._add_any_element(ele) else: continue # Add arrays if the parent is not an array already. parent = self.zarr[id] if extracted.arrays is None or not isinstance( parent, zarr.hierarchy.Group ): continue # Nest arrays directly in parent group for name, arr in extracted.arrays.items(): parent.create_dataset( name, data=arr, object_codec=numcodecs.VLenUTF8() )
[docs] def stream_genomics( self, file_path: str, region: Optional[str] = None, reference_filename: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Iterator[AlignedSegment | VariantRecord]: """Slices both local and remote CRAM, VCF (.vcf.gz), and BCF files returning an iterator over records.""" _region = Region.from_ucsc(region) if region else None # check requested genomics file exists in MODO if Path(file_path) not in self.list_files(): raise ValueError(f"{file_path} not found in {self.path}.") if self.endpoint.s3 and self.endpoint.htsget: con = HtsgetConnection( self.endpoint.htsget, Path(*Path(file_path).parts[1:]), region=_region, ) stream = con.to_pysam(reference_filename=reference_filename) else: stream = read_pysam( Path(file_path), reference_filename=reference_filename, region=_region, ) return stream
[docs] def from_file( cls, config_path: Path, object_path: str, endpoint: Optional[HttpUrl] = None, s3_kwargs: Optional[dict] = None, services: Optional[dict[str, HttpUrl]] = None, no_remove: bool = False, ) -> MODO: """build a modo from a yaml or json file""" element_list = parse_attributes(Path(config_path)) # checks modo_count = sum( [ele["element"].get("@type") == "MODO" for ele in element_list] ) if modo_count > 1: raise ValueError( f"There can not be more than one modo. Found {modo_count}" ) ids = [ele["element"].get("id") for ele in element_list] if len(ids) > len(set(ids)): dup = {x for x in ids if ids.count(x) > 1} raise ValueError( f"Please specify unique IDs. Element(s) with ID(s) {dup} already exist." ) instance_list = [] modo_dict = {} for element in element_list: metadata = element["element"] args = element.get("args", {}) if metadata.get("@type") == "MODO": del metadata["@type"] modo_dict["meta"] = metadata modo_dict["args"] = args else: metadata = set_data_path(metadata, args.get("source_file")) inst = dict_to_instance(metadata) instance_list.append((inst, args)) modo = cls( path=object_path, endpoint=endpoint, services=services, s3_kwargs=s3_kwargs or {"anon": True}, **modo_dict.get("meta", {}), **modo_dict.get("args", {}), ) modo_ids = {Path(id).name: id for id in modo.metadata.keys()} for inst, args in instance_list: if in modo_ids.keys(): modo.update_element(modo_ids[], inst, **args) else: modo.add_element(inst, **args) if no_remove: return modo modo_id = modo_id = modo.zarr["/"].attrs["id"] old_ids = [ id for id in modo_ids.keys() if id not in ids and id != modo_id ] for old_id in old_ids: modo.remove_element(modo_ids[old_id]) return modo