:::{image} img/modos.png :width: 200 :alt: modos logo ::: # Welcome to modos-api's documentation! modos-api (__Multi-Omics Digital Object System__) is a python library and command line tool to process, store and serve multi-omics data together with their metadata. It allows remote storage and access using zarr's S3 compatibility and integrates htsget to stream and access genomics data. ::::{grid} 3 :::{grid-item-card} {octicon}`rocket;2em` Quick start A user guide to get started and try modos-api :::{button-ref} intro/quickstart :ref-type: myst :expand: :color: dark :click-parent: Try it out! ::: ::: :::{grid-item-card} {octicon}`project;2em` Tutorials A list of tutorials and how-to user guides. :::{button-ref} tutorials/tutorials :ref-type: myst :expand: :color: dark :click-parent: Guided tutorials! ::: ::: :::{grid-item-card} {octicon}`report;2em` API reference A reference guide to all python api classes and functions. :::{button-ref} autoapi/index :ref-type: myst :expand: :color: dark :click-parent: To the python API! ::: ::: :::{grid-item-card} {octicon}`code-square;2em` CLI reference A reference guide to all cli functions, their parameters and options. :::{button-ref} cli :ref-type: myst :expand: :color: dark :click-parent: Check the CLI! ::: ::: :::{grid-item-card} {octicon}`book;2em` Background Read more about __multiomics__ data and MODOS's features and structure! :::{button-ref} intro/background :ref-type: myst :expand: :color: dark :click-parent: Learn more about MODOS! ::: ::: :::{grid-item-card} {octicon}`beaker;2em` Modos-schema Check our data model for advanced and custom usage of modos-api. :::{button-link} https://sdsc-ordes.github.io/modos-schema/ :ref-type: myst :expand: :color: dark :click-parent: To the data model! ::: ::: :::: :::{toctree} :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: intro/quickstart.md intro/background.md tutorials/tutorials.md autoapi/index cli.rst changelog-link :::