modos.genomics.htsget ===================== .. py:module:: modos.genomics.htsget .. autoapi-nested-parse:: htsget client implementation The htsget protocol [1]_ allows to stream slices of genomic data from a remote server. The client is implemented as a file-like interface that lazily streams chunks from the server. In practice, the client sends a request for a file with a specific format and genomic region. The htsget server finds the byte ranges on the data server (e.g. S3) corresponding to the requests and responds with a "ticket". The ticket is a json document containing a list of blocks; each having headers and a URL pointing to_file the corresponding byte ranges on the data server. The client then streams data from these URLs, effectively concatenating the blocks into a single stream. .. figure:: :width: 66% :alt: htsget mechanism diagram Illustration of the mechanism through which the htsget server allows streaming and random-access on genomic files. See [1]_ for more details. .. rubric:: Notes This implementation differs from the reference GA4GH implementation [2]_ in that it allows lazily consuming chunks from a file-like interface without saving to a file. A downside of this approach is that the client cannot seek. Additionally, this implementation does not support asynchronous fetching of blocks, which means that blocks are fetched sequentially. .. rubric:: References .. [1] .. [2] Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: modos.genomics.htsget.Region modos.genomics.htsget.GenomicFileSuffix modos.genomics.htsget._HtsgetBlockIter modos.genomics.htsget.HtsgetStream modos.genomics.htsget.HtsgetConnection Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: modos.genomics.htsget.read_pysam modos.genomics.htsget.build_htsget_url modos.genomics.htsget.parse_htsget_url Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: Region Genomic region consisting of a chromosome (aka reference) name and a 0-indexed half-open coordinate interval. Note that the end may not be specified, in which it will be set to math.inf. .. py:attribute:: chrom :type: str .. py:attribute:: start :type: int .. py:attribute:: end :type: int | float .. py:method:: __post_init__() .. py:method:: to_htsget_query() Serializes the region into an htsget URL query. .. rubric:: Example >>> Region(chrom='chr1', start=0, end=100).to_htsget_query() 'referenceName=chr1&start=0&end=100' .. py:method:: to_tuple() Return the region as a simple tuple. .. py:method:: from_htsget_query(url) :classmethod: Instantiate from an htsget URL query .. rubric:: Example >>> Region.from_htsget_query( ... "http://localhost/htsget/reads/ex/demo1?format=CRAM&referenceName=chr1&start=0" ... ) Region(chrom='chr1', start=0, end=inf) .. py:method:: from_ucsc(ucsc) :classmethod: Instantiate from a UCSC-formatted region string. .. rubric:: Example >>> Region.from_ucsc('chr-1ba:10-320') Region(chrom='chr-1ba', start=10, end=320) >>> Region.from_ucsc('chr1:-320') Region(chrom='chr1', start=0, end=320) >>> Region.from_ucsc('chr1:10-') Region(chrom='chr1', start=10, end=inf) >>> Region.from_ucsc('chr1:10') Region(chrom='chr1', start=10, end=inf) .. note:: For more information about the UCSC coordinate system, see: .. py:method:: from_pysam(record) :classmethod: .. py:method:: overlaps(other) Checks if other in self. This check if any portion of other overlaps with self. .. py:method:: contains(other) Checks if other is fully contained in self. .. py:class:: GenomicFileSuffix Bases: :py:obj:`tuple`, :py:obj:`enum.Enum` Enumeration of all supported genomic file suffixes. .. py:attribute:: CRAM :value: ('.cram',) .. py:attribute:: BAM :value: ('.bam',) .. py:attribute:: SAM :value: ('.sam',) .. py:attribute:: VCF :value: ('.vcf', '.vcf.gz') .. py:attribute:: BCF :value: ('.bcf',) .. py:attribute:: FASTA :value: ('.fasta', '.fa') .. py:attribute:: FASTQ :value: ('.fastq', '.fq') .. py:method:: from_path(path) :classmethod: .. py:method:: get_index_suffix() Return the supported index suffix related to a genomic filetype .. py:method:: to_htsget_endpoint() Return the htsget endpoint for a genomic file type .. py:function:: read_pysam(path, region = None, **kwargs) Automatically instantiate a pysam file object from input path and passes any additional kwarg to it. .. py:function:: build_htsget_url(host, path, region) Build an htsget URL from a host, path, and region. .. rubric:: Examples >>> build_htsget_url( ... "http://localhost:8000", ... Path("file.bam"), ... Region("chr1", 0, 1000) ... ) 'http://localhost:8000/reads/file?format=BAM&referenceName=chr1&start=0&end=1000' .. py:function:: parse_htsget_url(url) Given a URL to an htsget resource, extract the host, path, and region. .. py:class:: _HtsgetBlockIter(blocks, chunk_size=65536, timeout=60) Transparent iterator over blocks of an htsget stream. This is used internally by HtsgetStream to lazily fetch and concatenate blocks. .. rubric:: Examples >>> next(_HtsgetBlockIter([ ... {"url": "data:;base64,MTIzNDU2Nzg5"}, ... {"url": "data:;base64,MTIzNDU2Nzg5"}, ... ])) b'123456789' .. py:method:: __iter__() .. py:method:: _consume_block() Get streaming iterator over current block. .. py:method:: __next__() Stream next chunk of current block, or first chunk of next block. .. py:class:: HtsgetStream(blocks) Bases: :py:obj:`io.RawIOBase` A file-like handle to a read-only, buffered htsget stream. .. rubric:: Examples >>> stream = HtsgetStream([ ... {"url": "data:;base64,MTIzNDU2Nzg5Cg=="}, ... {"url": "data:;base64,MTIzNDU2Nzg5Cg=="}, ... ]) >>> b'1234' .. py:method:: readable() Return whether object was opened for reading. If False, read() will raise OSError. .. py:method:: readinto(b) Read up to len(b) bytes into a writable buffer bytes and return the number of bytes read. .. rubric:: Notes See .. py:class:: HtsgetConnection Connection to an htsget resource. It allows to open a stream to the resource and lazily fetch data from it. .. py:attribute:: host :type: pydantic.HttpUrl .. py:attribute:: path :type: pathlib.Path .. py:attribute:: region :type: Optional[modos.genomics.region.Region] .. py:property:: url :type: str URL to fetch the ticket. .. py:method:: ticket() Ticket containing the URLs to fetch the data. .. py:method:: open() Open a connection to the stream data. .. py:method:: to_file(path) Save all data from the stream to a file. .. py:method:: from_url(url) :classmethod: Open connection directly from an htsget URL. .. py:method:: to_pysam(reference_filename = None) Convert the stream to a pysam object.