modos.genomics.cram =================== .. py:module:: modos.genomics.cram .. autoapi-nested-parse:: Utilities to interact with genomic intervals in CRAM files. Classes ------- .. autoapisummary:: modos.genomics.cram.Region Functions --------- .. autoapisummary:: modos.genomics.cram.extract_cram_metadata modos.genomics.cram.validate_cram_files modos.genomics.cram.create_sequence_id Module Contents --------------- .. py:class:: Region Genomic region consisting of a chromosome (aka reference) name and a 0-indexed half-open coordinate interval. Note that the end may not be specified, in which it will be set to math.inf. .. py:attribute:: chrom :type: str .. py:attribute:: start :type: int .. py:attribute:: end :type: int | float .. py:method:: __post_init__() .. py:method:: to_htsget_query() Serializes the region into an htsget URL query. .. rubric:: Example >>> Region(chrom='chr1', start=0, end=100).to_htsget_query() 'referenceName=chr1&start=0&end=100' .. py:method:: to_tuple() Return the region as a simple tuple. .. py:method:: from_htsget_query(url) :classmethod: Instantiate from an htsget URL query .. rubric:: Example >>> Region.from_htsget_query( ... "http://localhost/htsget/reads/ex/demo1?format=CRAM&referenceName=chr1&start=0" ... ) Region(chrom='chr1', start=0, end=inf) .. py:method:: from_ucsc(ucsc) :classmethod: Instantiate from a UCSC-formatted region string. .. rubric:: Example >>> Region.from_ucsc('chr-1ba:10-320') Region(chrom='chr-1ba', start=10, end=320) >>> Region.from_ucsc('chr1:-320') Region(chrom='chr1', start=0, end=320) >>> Region.from_ucsc('chr1:10-') Region(chrom='chr1', start=10, end=inf) >>> Region.from_ucsc('chr1:10') Region(chrom='chr1', start=10, end=inf) .. note:: For more information about the UCSC coordinate system, see: .. py:method:: from_pysam(record) :classmethod: .. py:method:: overlaps(other) Checks if other in self. This check if any portion of other overlaps with self. .. py:method:: contains(other) Checks if other is fully contained in self. .. py:function:: extract_cram_metadata(cram) Extract metadata from the CRAM file header and convert specific attributes according to the modo schema. .. py:function:: validate_cram_files(cram_path) Validate CRAM files using pysam. Checks if the file is sorted and has an index. .. py:function:: create_sequence_id(name, sequence_md5) Helper function to create a unique id from a sequence name and md5 hash