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Welcome to modos-api’s documentation!#

modos-api (Multi-Omics Digital Object System) is a python library and command line tool to process, store and serve multi-omics data together with their metadata. It allows remote storage and access using zarr’s S3 compatibility and integrates htsget to stream and access genomics data.

Quick start

A user guide to get started and try modos-api

Try it out!


A list of tutorials and how-to user guides.

Guided tutorials!

API reference

A reference guide to all python api classes and functions.

To the python API!

CLI reference

A reference guide to all cli functions, their parameters and options.

Check the CLI!


Read more about multiomics data and MODOS’s features and structure!

Learn more about MODOS!


Check our data model for advanced and custom usage of modos-api.

To the data model!