Source code for gimie.extractors.github

# Gimie
# Copyright 2022 - Swiss Data Science Center (SDSC)
# A partnership between École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) and
# Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule Zürich (ETHZ).
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from __future__ import annotations

from dataclasses import dataclass
from dateutil.parser import isoparse
from functools import cached_property
import os
import requests
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Union
from urllib.parse import urlparse
from dotenv import load_dotenv

from gimie.extractors.abstract import Extractor
from gimie.models import (

from import RemoteResource
from gimie.extractors.common.queries import (

GH_API = ""

[docs]def query_contributors( url: str, headers: Dict[str, str] ) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """Queries the list of contributors of target repository using GitHub's REST and GraphQL APIs. Returns a list of GraphQL User nodes. NOTE: This is a workaround for the lack of a contributors field in the GraphQL API. """ owner, name = urlparse(url).path.strip("/").split("/") # Get contributors (available in the REST API but not GraphQL) data = f"repos/{owner}/{name}/contributors" contributors = send_rest_query(GH_API, data, headers=headers) ids = [contributor["node_id"] for contributor in contributors] # Get all contributors' metadata in 1 GraphQL query users_query = """ query users($ids: [ID!]!) { nodes(ids: $ids) { ... on User { avatarUrl company login name organizations(first: 100) { nodes { avatarUrl description login name url } } url } } }""" contributors = send_graphql_query( GH_API, users_query, data={"ids": ids}, headers=headers ) # Drop empty users (e.g. dependabot) return [user for user in contributors["data"]["nodes"] if user]
[docs]@dataclass class GithubExtractor(Extractor): """Extractor for GitHub repositories. Uses the GitHub GraphQL API to extract metadata into linked data. url: str The url of the git repository. base_url: Optional[str] The base url of the git remote. """ url: str base_url: Optional[str] = None local_path: Optional[str] = None token: Optional[str] = None
[docs] def list_files(self) -> List[RemoteResource]: """takes the root repository folder and returns the list of files present""" file_list = [] file_dict = self._repo_data["object"]["entries"] repo_url = self._repo_data["url"] defaultbranchref = self._repo_data["defaultBranchRef"]["name"] for item in file_dict: file = RemoteResource( path=item["name"], url=f'{repo_url}/raw/{defaultbranchref}/{item["path"]}', headers=self._headers, ) file_list.append(file) return file_list
[docs] def extract(self) -> Repository: """Extract metadata from target GitHub repository.""" data = self._repo_data repo_meta = dict( authors=[self._get_author(data["owner"])], contributors=self._fetch_contributors(), date_created=isoparse(data["createdAt"][:-1]), date_modified=isoparse(data["updatedAt"][:-1]), description=data["description"], name=self.path, keywords=self._get_keywords(*data["repositoryTopics"]["nodes"]), url=self.url, ) if data["parent"]: repo_meta["parent_repository"] = data["parent"]["url"] if data["latestRelease"]: repo_meta["date_published"] = isoparse( data["latestRelease"]["publishedAt"] ) if data["primaryLanguage"] is not None: repo_meta["prog_langs"] = [data["primaryLanguage"]["name"]] if data["latestRelease"]: version = data["latestRelease"]["name"] download_url = f"{self.url}/archive/refs/tags/{version}.tar.gz" repo_meta["download_url"] = download_url repo_meta["version"] = version return Repository(**repo_meta) # type: ignore
@cached_property def _repo_data(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Repository metadata fetched from GraphQL endpoint.""" owner, name = self.path.split("/") data = {"owner": owner, "name": name} repo_query = """ query repo($owner: String!, $name: String!) { repository(name: $name, owner: $owner) { url parent {url} createdAt description latestRelease { publishedAt name } defaultBranchRef { name } object(expression: "HEAD:") { ... on Tree { entries { name path } } } mentionableUsers(first: 100) { nodes { login name avatarUrl company organizations(first: 100) { nodes { avatarUrl description login name url } } url } } name owner { avatarUrl login url ... on User { company name organizations(first: 100) { nodes { avatarUrl description login name url } } } ... on Organization { name description } } primaryLanguage { name } repositoryTopics(first: 10) { nodes { topic { name } } } updatedAt url } } """ response = send_graphql_query(GH_API, repo_query, data, self._headers) if "errors" in response: raise ValueError(response["errors"]) return response["data"]["repository"] def _fetch_contributors(self) -> List[Person]: """Queries the GitHub GraphQL API to extract contributors through the commit list. NOTE: This is a workaround for the lack of a contributors field in the GraphQL API. """ contributors = [] resp = query_contributors(self.url, self._headers) for user in resp: contributors.append(self._get_user(user)) return list(contributors) @cached_property def _headers(self) -> Any: """Set authentication headers for GitHub API requests.""" try: if not self.token: self.token = os.environ.get("GITHUB_TOKEN") if not self.token: raise ValueError( "GitHub token not found. Please set the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable " "with your GitHub personal access token." ) headers = {"Authorization": f"token {self.token}"} login = requests.get(f"{GH_API}/user", headers=headers) if not login.ok or not login.json().get("login"): raise ValueError( "GitHub authentication failed. Please check that your GITHUB_TOKEN is valid." ) return headers except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: raise ConnectionError(f"Failed to connect to GitHub API: {str(e)}") def _get_keywords(self, *nodes: Dict[str, Any]) -> List[str]: """Extract names from GraphQL topic nodes.""" return [node["topic"]["name"] for node in nodes] def _get_organization(self, node: Dict[str, Any]) -> Organization: """Extract details from a GraphQL organization node.""" return Organization( _id=node["url"], name=node["login"], description=node["description"], legal_name=node["name"], logo=node["avatarUrl"], ) def _get_author(self, node: Dict[str, Any]) -> Union[Organization, Person]: """Given the GraphQL node for a repository owner, return the author as a Person or Organization object.""" if "organizations" in node: return self._get_user(node) return self._get_organization(node) def _get_user(self, node: Dict[str, Any]) -> Person: """Extract details from a GraphQL user node.""" # Get user's affiliations orgs = [ self._get_organization(org) for org in node["organizations"]["nodes"] ] return Person( _id=node["url"], identifier=node["login"], name=node["name"], affiliations=orgs, )